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  • Fred Yancey, The Nexus Group LLC
    Feb 9, 2024
    Debates and floor action continue as both chambers rush to pass house of origin legislation by the end of February 13. The work of all committees will then resume, again, dealing with bills that have passed the opposite house. Some committees are already hard at work. The status of bills changes constantly, so the summaries below are just as they were when this report was written. A reminder that regardless of deadlines, bills can be ruled as ‘necessary to implement the budget’ so can be revived under that justification which can be arbitrary at times.
  • Fred Yancey, The Nexus Group LLC
    Feb 2, 2024
    The first cut-off of the Session has come and gone. Policy bills not out of committees are ‘dead’, unless revived at legislative whim. Meanwhile, the action now moves to floor debate on bills. The fiscal committees still meet in order to move fiscal bills. Their deadline is February 5th, the next cut-off. A caveat: Any bill that has dollars connected to it, can be deemed ‘necessary to implement the budget’ and be acted upon at any time regardless of timelines.
  • Roz Thompson, Governmental Relations & Advocacy Director, AWSP
    Feb 2, 2024
    We cleared the first big hurdle of this year’s legislative session this week when bills had to pass out of their policy committees. Bills with fiscal implications must pass out of House Appropriations or Senate Ways and Means by February 5. The next step after that is for bills to be passed off the floor of the House or the Senate and the deadline for that is February 13. After that, the bills move to the other side and the process repeats.
  • James Layman, AWSL Director
    Feb 1, 2024
    With Black History Month here, you may ask, "What does this mean for me?" In our daily lives, many of us may not know how to best honor, acknowledge, or celebrate cultures, whether our own or somebody else's.
  • Cindy Sholtys-Cromwell, Principal, Loowit High School and Kelso Virtual Academy (K-12), Kelso School District
    Feb 1, 2024
    There are so many great things about this special month that make it special. February is the month of love, a new grading term for some, my daughter's birthday, and IT is finally starting to stay light a bit longer on my drive home. (YAHOO to all of them). February is a time for magical learning in the classroom when our students begin to hit their stride and "get it". Our seniors are coming to the realization that graduation is around the corner. All of our hard work IS paying off and we see the fruits of our labor.

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