Informed Principal


  • Special Education and 504 Tips & Resources | December 17 Edition

    Abby Bowers | Director of Special Programs | Capital Region ESD 113
    Dec 17, 2021
    This content is emailed weekly to leaders in special education and Section 504. Each newsletter contains tips and resources on a variety of topics that are meant to keep you informed and up to date. Please consult your district attorney if you are looking for legal advice.
  • AWSP News for December 17, 2021

    David Morrill
    Dec 17, 2021
    In this episode of AWSP News, we discuss mental, physical and spiritual rest, our “A Matter of Principals” podcast, the I AM: WE ARE MLK Day Celebration program, the opportunity to share the amazing things happening in your school and district at the AWSP/WASA Summer Conference, our Washington Principal magazine, sharing your successes with us, gearing up for the legislative session and our continued advocacy for principals and assistant principals in our state, and our 50th Anniversary as the Association of Washington School Principals.
  • Grace is Gone; Our School Leaders Might Be Next

    Dr. Scott Seaman, Executive Director, AWSP
    Dec 10, 2021
    Schools used to be a place where students and adults would use the lessons learned from mistakes or failure to move forward and improve, but not anymore. The new normal is to no longer have grace, assume best intentions in others, or respect those placed in leadership positions. What does that mean for school principals and assistant principals? An already nearly impossible job becoming even more impossible.
  • Special Education and 504 Tips & Resources | December 10 Edition

    Abby Bowers | Director of Special Programs | Capital Region ESD 113
    Dec 10, 2021
    This content is emailed weekly to leaders in special education and Section 504. Each newsletter contains tips and resources on a variety of topics that are meant to keep you informed and up to date. Please consult your district attorney if you are looking for legal advice.
  • OSPI School Safety Tips for December 2021

    Mike Donlin, Program Supervisor, School Safety Center, OSPI
    Dec 08, 2021
    I have started this month’s school safety blog many times. Many times. A tragedy occurred, yet another school shooting. The focus of this blog changed. I have been talking to educators, parents, and others. I have been reading, seeing, and listening to stories. I am sure that you have, as well.
  • Special Education and 504 Tips & Resources | December 3, 2021

    Abby Bowers | Director of Special Programs | Capital Region ESD 113
    Dec 03, 2021
    These emails are sent out weekly to leaders in special education and Section 504.. Each email contains tips and resources on a variety of topics that are meant to keep you informed and up-to-date.. Please consult your district attorney if you are looking for legal advice, as that is out of my realm.
  • Happy Anniversary for the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)

    Dr. Christine Espeland, Inclusion Director, AWSP
    Dec 02, 2021
    In 1975, it was a different world for children with disabilities. Prior to the enactment of IDEA, more than 1.8 million students with disabilities were denied access to an education. For those who receive any services, most were delivered in segregated settings and few children had access to the same educational curriculum as their non-disabled peers.
  • Acting on the Data You Already Have

    Gina Yonts, Associate Director, AWSP
    Nov 19, 2021
    As school leaders and staffulty wait for the return of SBA data, do not let the information (aka attendance and re-engagement data) we have on AND from students (daily, weekly, monthly) go unnoticed! Lean into this data to guide your leadership moves. Timely analysis of attendance data can help your system identify factors that are contributing to chronic absences. School culture, relationship building, team responses to data, simple communications that are easily accessible by busy families, and grading practices, all could be contributing! Get your teams meeting/huddling regularly and start with tier 1, universal (low lift/high-yield) efforts. If you’d like to know more about how to become more Data Literate, sign up to participate in our winter series of the Data Literate School Leader!
  • Special Education and 504 Tips & Resources | November 19 Edition

    Abby Bowers | Director of Special Programs | Capital Region ESD 113
    Nov 19, 2021
    These emails are sent out weekly to leaders in special education and Section 504.. Each email contains tips and resources on a variety of topics that are meant to keep you informed and up-to-date.. Please consult your district attorney if you are looking for legal advice, as that is out of my realm.
  • Creating A School Of Dancers, Not Devious Lickers

    Mac Martin, Junior, Stanwood High School, Stanwood Camano SD
    Nov 18, 2021
    What is the "Devious Lick Challenge"? It is a challenge on TikTok, where students are encouraged to take something from their school; these items may include the bathroom sink, a soap dispenser, or even a teacher's desk. Schools have tried a multitude of ways to stop students, yet this challenge is just as popular today as ever. Clearly, many solutions aren't working. So what is the solution?

Like to Write?

We're always looking for guest contributions. If you have a passion to write and things to share, email David about a guest post or a role as a recurring guest blogger. 

For More Information 

David Morrill | Communications & Technology Director | (800) 562-6100

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