Informed Principal


  • Making the Most of the New Website

    David Morrill
    May 31, 2018
    We've done more than just slap a fresh coat of paint on our website; we've torn it down to the studs and built from the ground up. One of the easiest ways to make the most of the new site is to log in and fill out your profile. When you do that, you'll start to see blog posts and events on the homepage tailored just for you.
  • Why Every Bellingham HS Changed Their Schedule

    David Morrill
    Apr 13, 2018
    In an effort to provide all Bellingham School District high school students with opportunities for remediation, exploration, and acceleration within the school day, the district drastically changed the high school schedule for each comprehensive high school across the entire district. They even moved start times back based on current research. With students, teachers, and building- and district-level administrators all working together, they came up with a system they believe will provide a better experience for all their students.
  • AWSP News for April 11, 2018

    Apr 11, 2018
    In this episode of AWSP News, we discuss National Assistant Principals Week, FINAO's Educator Advisory Board, the Governor's Arts and Heritage Awards, a pair of equity conferences, the NASSP Digital Principal of the Year nominations, some tips from "Dr. Roz," and two great and inspirational ideas (one of them will make your eyes water from our favorite episode ever).
  • Retirement & Health Benefits: 2018 Session Review

    Fred Yancey
    Apr 06, 2018
    At the risk of repetition, the legislative session and Governor’s actions have concluded. This was a session that was akin to a sprint to the finish line with the Democrat majorities in both houses pushing many pieces of legislation that had stalled in previous sessions. There were 1,425 new bills introduced and 310 passed during this 60-day session. In 2017, for comparison, for the 193 days of regular and special sessions, 377 bills passed. So, what happened regarding pensions, health care, financials and other issues?
  • AWSP News for March 21, 2018

    Mar 28, 2018
    In this episode of AWSP News, we discuss the student walkouts and empowering student voice, the Washington State Mental Health Summit, a great way to show staff appreciation shared with us by Jostens, the recent David Brooks Op-Ed in the New York Times about the integral role of the principal in strong schools, a meeting with Washington Roundtable and Challenge Seattle, the importance of a professional learning network (PLN), and one principal’s equity journey as a result of a strong PLN.
  • Public Employees Benefits Board (PEBB) Meeting

    Mar 22, 2018
    The PEB Board held its monthly meeting March 21, 2018. A short summary follows. A briefing book offers more details. This report primarily focuses on issues related to retirees, both those who are pre-Medicare eligible and those that are Medicare eligible and choose PEBB insurance as their supplemental health policy.
  • School Employee Benefit Board (SEBB) Meeting

    Mar 19, 2018
    The SEBB held an all-day meeting on 3/15/18 that covered a great deal of information including preliminary impacts on the state and local school districts. The caveat is that David Iseminger, the Director of the Employee and Retiree Benefit Division (ERB) stated, “Because this change is new, we are not going to get everything right.” At this point, without enrollment figures, claims history, etc. ERB is involved in making educated guesses with assumptions that may come to be or not.
  • AWSP News for March 7, 2018

    David Morrill
    Mar 07, 2018
    In this episode of AWSP News, we discuss how to handle student walkouts in response to the Florida shooting, the 3rd annual Equity Conference on May 23rd, a great definition of cultural competence, OSPI’s ESSA Implementation 101 webinars and new approach to school improvement, participating in the Washington State Leadership Academy, the Coble Scholarship for under-represented educational leaders, WASA’s new executive director, how to showcase your leadership in your evaluation, how Thrive Washington suports kids and families from birth to five, and our 3rd annual principal appreciation night with the Tacoma Rainiers.
  • What Steals Your Focus?

    Jan 04, 2018
    Do you know how to spot the time thieves in your life? Shane Parrish over at Farnam Street has a great series on focus. His latest installment discusses the Eisehnhower Matrix, a four-part filter you can use to determine what tasks keep you on target.
  • Leading for Systems Change

    Nov 01, 2017

    The University of Washington’s College of Education wrote a great story about our Deputy Executive Director, Scott Seaman. Scott is in the last year of his Leadership for Learning (EdD) program at the UW. He’ll become our next Executive Director in September 2018 when our beloved Gary Kipp retires. The article provides some great background about Scott’s journey.

Like to Write?

We're always looking for guest contributions. If you have a passion to write and things to share, email David about a guest post or a role as a recurring guest blogger. 

For More Information 

David Morrill | Communications & Technology Director | (800) 562-6100

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