Informed Principal


  • Timeline for Implementing Revised Student Growth Goals

    Sue Anderson & Katie Taylor, Office of Educator Effectiveness, OSPI
    Mar 04, 2022
    At the beginning of the 2021–22 school year, the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) released revised Student Growth Rubrics for schools and districts for their optional use this year. The revised rubrics capture key learnings from the past ten years of student growth goals as part of the evaluation process and are informed by feedback from schools that elected to pilot the revised rubrics this year.
  • Retirement & Health Benefits for March 4, 2022

    Fred Yancey, The Nexus Group LLC
    Mar 04, 2022
    The legislative clock continues to count down. The Senate is dealing with 85 bills while the House has 65 on their calendar for possible action. March 4th is the last day to consider opposite house bills. Both chambers then retreat into cloaked meetings to negotiate bills differences. While these negotiations are going on, any upcoming committee agendas will generally be scheduled work sessions to set direction for the interim and next session. That’s assuming they meet.
  • OSPI School Safety Tips for March 2022

    Mike Donlin, Program Supervisor, School Safety Center, OSPI
    Mar 01, 2022
    The Legislature used these words to underscore the importance of safety planning when it first required districts and schools to develop and maintain safety plans twenty years ago in 2002. Two things jump out at me when I read this. First, the foundational importance of ensuring a safe learning environment. That safe environment includes physical, psychological, emotional, and educational safety. And second, the environment is safe for all. All.
  • New Job, New Perspectives

    Dameon Brown, Professional Learning Service Specialist, AWSP
    Feb 28, 2022
    I started as the Professional Learning Service Specialist on January 10th. I greatly appreciated the warm, welcoming atmosphere and the camaraderie of the entire staff, which was completely foreign to me compared to my previous careers. The real gem here is the actual work. It is challenging and a complete uphill trek, but we are determined and focused. We support principals throughout their whole leadership journey, from aspiring to retiring.
  • Special Education & 504 Tips & Resources | February 25 Edition

    Abby Bowers | Director of Special Programs | Capital Region ESD 113
    Feb 25, 2022
    These emails are sent out weekly to leaders in special education and Section 504.. Each email contains tips and resources on a variety of topics that are meant to keep you informed and up-to-date.
  • AWSP News for February 24, 2022

    Scott Seaman
    Feb 25, 2022
    In this edition of AWSP News, we discuss the Governor’s big announcement last week, more information from Department of Health, our recent statewide member survey, our Member Engagement Campaign, your principal contract, the Legislative Session, the annual AWSP/WASA Summer Conference, AWSL Summer Programs, and supplementary budget for Outdoor Schools.
  • Legislative Update | Week of February 21, 2022

    Roz Thompson, Governmental Relations & Advocacy Director, AWSP
    Feb 25, 2022
    It was budget week in the Legislature as both House and Senate Democrats released their supplemental operating budgets. Both budget bills had hearings within hours of their release on Monday, and both were amended within days of these hearings. Budget negotiators from both chambers will now seek to reconcile differences and come to a final budget before “sine die” (the last day of the session), scheduled for March 10.
  • Retirement & Health Benefits for February 25, 2022

    Fred Yancey | The Nexus Group LLC
    Feb 25, 2022
    As the clock continues to count down to Sine Die, there is a mixture of committee hearings, behind the scenes meetings, and limited floor debate. As mentioned earlier, Feb. 24th is the last day for policy bills to clear committees, and Feb. 28th for fiscal bills to clear. Many committee agendas read “Bills to be determined” as decisions are being made behind closed doors as to what advances. All these actions lead to the March 4th date, which is the last day (5 PM) to act on opposite house bills.
  • It's Black History Month, but I Run Year-round for Ahmaud Arbery

    Dr. Scott Seaman, Executive Director, AWSP
    Feb 24, 2022
    I’d like to start this blog by sharing three things with you - one you know for sure, and two you probably didn’t. First, it’s Black History Month. You should all know that already. The second thing? To keep my sanity as an educational leader for the last 25 years, I have been an active runner. How those two pieces are connected leads me to the third. My perspective of running was forever changed shortly after 1:00 pm on February 23, 2020, outside the small town of Brunswick, Georgia.
  • Behavior is Communication

    Gina Yonts, Associate Director, AWSP
    Feb 21, 2022
    Working with challenging adult behaviors has similarities to working with behaviors we see in our students. Digging in, getting better at navigating the function of behavior, and hypothesizing what is behind the behaviors can help you support students and staff more calmly and insightfully. I ran across this “All Behavior is Communication” blog post from Lauren Pace (host of the Rising Lava Parenting Podcast) as I was looking for resources to help a new school leader navigate some tricky adult behaviors in her school. Although this blog refers to parenting strategies and young children, I think reading, listening, and pondering the basics about behavior as communication has some transferable skills and strategies pertinent to school leadership!

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For More Information 

David Morrill | Communications & Technology Director | (800) 562-6100

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