Informed Principal


  • Outside is In: Mosquito, Salmon, Bear

    Sep 16, 2014
    Here’s a lab oriented lesson from the Cispus Learning Center that can be done at in the classroom or at any outdoor school.
  • Does Every High School Need an ASB?

    Sep 16, 2014
    Q. Does every high school need to have an ASB?
  • Retirement Q & A: Retiring Early and Returning to Work

    Sep 16, 2014
    Q: What if I retire early using the ERF option but want to return to work as a substitute teacher or consultant?
  • Innovation: Thinking Outside the Six-Period Day

    Sep 16, 2014
    With the move to a 24 credit high school graduation requirement, principals and schools are faced with this question: How can we create a system that ensures enough opportunities for students to earn those 24 credits without the risk of falling too far behind and losing hope?
  • Kid President's Pep Talk for Teachers and Students

    Sep 12, 2014
    Kid President checks in with another great video, this one pertinent to the start of the school year.
  • Legislature in Contempt

    Sep 12, 2014
    In a unanimous ruling, the State Supreme Court ruled the Legislature is in contempt by failing to provide an ample funding for basic education, the State's paramount duty according to the state constitution. The Court has given the Legislature until the end of the 2015 session to come up with a solution.
  • Beyond the Bake Sale: Coaches/Wives as Booster Club Officers

    Sep 02, 2014
    Q. I would like to know if it would be appropriate to have a booster club with officers comprised of coaches or coaches’ wives. I have been in this district for eight years and we cannot count on the community to assist due to many issues. Would we be in violation if coaches and their wives were in charge of the booster club?
  • Looking for Hope?

    Sep 02, 2014
    We all know that positive adult-student relationships are key to students staying engaged in school. The other major factor contributing to the success of our students is their ability to see a positive future: a future of hope. In an age of school reform, talking about relationships and hope can often get pushed down the list by Common Core, instructional frameworks and testing. AWSP Leadership Framework Criteria 1 talks about the importance of Creating a Culture of learning. Where does this journey begin? It begins with hope.
  • Outside is In: Create a Tree

    Marty Fortin
    Sep 02, 2014
    Focus: To gain an understanding of the different parts of a tree and how they work together.
  • Retirement & Benefits Update & FAQs

    Sep 02, 2014
    The Retirement and Benefits Update for the September 2nd edition of Legislative Update.

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For More Information 

David Morrill | Communications & Technology Director | (800) 562-6100

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