Informed Principal


  • Governor Inslee Proclaims Oct 26 - Nov 1 School Principals Week

    Oct 15, 2014
    Principals, it’s your month nationally and here in Washington, Governor Inslee has proclaimed the last week of the month to be School Principals Week. Read the proclamation below or view a signed copy of the proclamation (PDF).
  • Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching 2

    Oct 14, 2014
    Do you have an excellent secondary math or science teacher in your building? If so, make sure to nominate them through the Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST) program. See the details from PAEMST below.
  • Ask Dr. WAC: Principal Focus Evaluation Requirements vs. Teacher Requirements

    Oct 14, 2014
    Q: Dr. WAC, does the principal focus evaluation follow the same focus requirements of teachers?
  • AWSP's Statement on Initiative 1351

    Oct 13, 2014
    If you’re reading this blog, you’re probably already familiar with Initiative 1351, which is designed to reduce class size. AWSP has long advocated for new revenue and supported legislation to lower class size, but this ballot measure has too many implementation issues and is not the best way to increase student achievement for all kids, which is why the AWSP board voted to opposed it.
  • Beyond the Bake Sale October 7, 2014

    Oct 07, 2014
    Q. If the members of an ASB club wanted to participate in a fundraiser to help pay for individual costs (say the club is going on a field trip), could the club then turn around and allocate those raised funds for the participants of the fundraiser? For example, Student A raises $100, that $100 goes into the club’s ASB account, can the club then approve for that $100 to be allocated to help Student A offset the cost of the field trip that Student A wants to attend?
  • Outside is In: Owl Games

    Oct 07, 2014
    Here’s a lab oriented lesson from the Cispus Learning Center that can be done in the classroom or at any outdoor school…“Owl Games”
  • Two Grant Opportunities: Integrated Algebra and AYD

    Sep 29, 2014
    College Spark is launching a new College Ready Math initiative to help low-income students graduate from high school with strong math skills and avoid remediation in college.
  • State Board of Education: New revenue needed to pay for schools

    Sep 24, 2014
    Melissa Santos, writing for The Olympian, discusses the State Board of Education's decision to weigh in on basic education funding. Here's an excerpt:
  • Outside is In: Clearing the Muddy Waters

    Sep 23, 2014
    Here’s a lab oriented lesson from the Cispus Learning Center about water quality that can be done at in the classroom or at any outdoor school…“Clearing the Muddy Waters”
  • Can Kids Keep a Choir Uniform?

    Sep 23, 2014
    Q. Our choir teacher just asked if they could use their ASB account to purchase their choir uniforms (dresses, suits, etc.). Because they are altered/fitted, etc., the kids would buy them and own them. I know this is okay if it becomes school property, is it ok if the students buy to own?

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For More Information 

David Morrill | Communications & Technology Director | (800) 562-6100

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