Informed Principal


  • The Nexus Group: Retirement & Benefits for April 10

    Apr 10, 2015
    There are over 500 pages in a proposed budget, and there are always details and provisos hidden within the budgets that may not be where they are expected. One such detail is the proviso about funding a consolidation of health care coverage. In addition, numerous proposed bills may or may not be ‘dead’. So all this means that tracking bills and updating status is like trying to describe a moving target, especially when the speed increases as the Legislature nears the April 15 deadline for moving bills out of their respective chambers. Then, hang on. The sprint begins to finish by April 26, the ‘last’ day of the session.
  • The Nexus Group: Retirement & Benefits for April 3

    Apr 03, 2015
    First, a caveat - numerous bills still remain alive and are included in either the Senate or the House budget proposals. Because of this, these bills are deemed “necessary to implement the budget” (NTIB) so remain ‘alive’ until the eventual end of session (whenever that will occur). In addition, any bills still in House Appropriations or Senate Ways and Means have until the April 7 deadline to advance.
  • Representative Reykdal on HB 2214

    Mar 28, 2015
    Representative Chris Reykdal (D, 22nd Legislative District) stopped by our office this morning to discuss HB 2214, which deals with assessment reform. The bill passed the House 87–7 and now moves on to the Senate. Watch the video below and contact your Senator with your position.
  • The Nexus Group: Retirement & Benefits for March 27

    Mar 27, 2015
    The deadline is fast approaching for bills to be heard and then voted out of committee. They are then passed to their respective Rules Committee for placement on their chamber’s floor calendar for a possible vote. Some bills are being heard and voted out of committees, others are not yet scheduled for a hearing, and others are being held as potential bargaining chips for use near the end of the session (April 26). As the end nears, the question becomes, “What are the critical, ‘must have’ bills that each House insists on having?“
  • The Nexus Group: Retirement & Benefits for March 20

    Mar 20, 2015
    The two main issues of importance this week are the continuing need by districts to increase the pool of substitutes available and the re-emergence of two fairly draconian pension reform bills.
  • Beyond the Bake Sale March 18, 2015

    Mar 18, 2015
    Q. We would like to purchase items to reward kids on good behavior. These items are NOT for resale, but to give out as a “reward”. Is our ASB allowed to do that? I heard we cannot purchase food as a “prize”, and so we are looking at purchasing beanies, water bottles, Nerf footballs, etc. I’m sorry that I’m bothering you about this, but before we purchase these items I wanted to find out from you if we can. Thank you.
  • Outside is In: Soils Support Agriculture

    Mar 18, 2015
    The soil is the ultimate source of nutrients our bodies need. The vitamins and minerals that are a necessary part of our diet come from plants that have, in turn, gotten those same vitamins and minerals from the soil. Soils support agriculture by serving as the foundation of where we grow food.
  • The Nexus Group: Retirement & Health Benefits for March 13

    Mar 12, 2015
    There are two “W’s” that come into play now that the first major deadline has passed. “Whew!” is the first one. Bills that have failed to clear their house of origin are ‘dead’. Some good bills didn’t make it; some bad ones didn’t either. “What the ?” is the next one, as a reaction when any of these bills come back ‘alive’, either because they are deemed necessary to implement the budget, or just because legislators desire it.
  • The Nexus Group: Retirement & Benefits for March 6

    Mar 06, 2015
    Bills are clearly on the move through both chambers as they race to meet the March 11 deadline where bills need to clear their chamber of origin.
  • Outside is In: 16 Tips for Getting Outside

    Mar 03, 2015
    The Children and Nature Network blog has some great tips for increasing the quality and quantity of time spent outdoors. They break down their tips into time and quality, what schools can do, and what communities can do. Here's their list for schools:

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