Informed Principal


  • Difficult Decisions and a Call to Action in These Challenging Times

    Dr. Scott Seaman, AWSP Executive Director
    Oct 14, 2020
    We are clearly in some of the most challenging times of our careers. And, quite frankly, you probably never envisioned leading your school in and through these circumstances. We hear you. AWSP has been supporting school leaders since 1972 and continues to make the necessary changes to provide the relevant, timely, and personalized support you need. Just as COVID has impacted members like you, COVID has impacted AWSP in many ways. At our recent annual September AWSP and Foundation Board meeting, the board made a difficult decision to terminate our Chewelah Peak Learning Center contract with the Department of Natural Resources and ESD 101. This was by no means an easy decision. Word is spreading quickly about both the action related to Chewelah Peak and the precarious position of our Cispus Learning Center because we officially launched our “Cispus Forever” Campaign this week. This state (and national) campaign is focused on both the short-term survivability of Cispus (in response to COVID) and the establishment of an endowment to forever secure the future of Cispus. We have to start somewhere while we work to build an endowment that will help us weather future storms like COVID.
  • WEBINAR: How To Be "ALL IN" as an Inclusive Leader

    Chris Espeland
    Oct 12, 2020
    Our Principals Month celebration continues with a special surprise: We’re offering a brand-new workshop on inclusion absolutely FREE to AWSP members. How to be 'ALL IN' as an Inclusive Leader is a 5-part series with international film-maker Dan Habib.
  • "We're Going to Need a Bigger Boat." AWSL Virtual Fall Conference is on track to break records!

    James Layman
    Oct 09, 2020
    Every fall, the Association of Washington Student Leaders holds a Fall Leadership Conference. With obvious travel restrictions and complexities at the beginning of the school year, we decided to shift our conference course.
  • Outside Is In: Grow Outside

    Chase Buffington | Cispus Learning Center Director
    Oct 09, 2020
    Picture it: The buses roll into the learning center and kids begin to pile out of the buses with luggage in hand. Surrounded by trees and fresh air, each student knows they are about to take on the outdoors. They're in a place where no one has an advantage, only a fresh start to explore what everyone has to offer. Accelerated learning is about to take place.
  • AWSP News for October 9, 2020

    Scott Seaman
    Oct 09, 2020
    In this episode of AWSP News, we discuss National Principals Month, a brand-new workshop on inclusion absolutely FREE to AWSP members, our “Lead Out Loud” series for Assistant Principals, our WELL Summit (Women Leading and Learning), our Stay Smart Network, AWSL’s Fall Conference, a message from former Governor Christine Gregoire, our brand new AWSP Leadership Framework Version 3.0, OSPI’s Safety Guidance for updates on leading during COVID, our Cispus Forever campaign, and our Principals Month prompts.
  • How Principals & Teacher Librarians Can Strategically Collaborate

    Roz Thompson | Director of Government Relations and Advocacy
    Oct 02, 2020
    Check out this new resource, share it with your teacher-librarian, and begin a conversation about how you can work as a team to impact student learning: Let's Talk: A Conversation Starter to Help Future Ready Librarians Build Collaborative Relationships.
  • Washington Celebrates Disability History Month

    Cris Sippel
    Oct 01, 2020
    October is Disability History month. Washington public schools are required to conduct or promote educational activities that provide instruction, awareness, and understanding of disability history and people with disabilities. The activities may include, but not be limited to, school assemblies or guest speaker presentations.
  • OSPI School Safety Tips for October

    Mike Donlin | OSPI School Safety Center
    Oct 01, 2020
    ​When we talk about comprehensive school safety and safety planning, we consider the four main areas of threats and hazards: natural, technological, biological and human/man-made. It feels like we are experiencing all four of these threat and hazard areas at the same time right now. Here are some resources to help you work through these challenging days.
  • It All Starts with YOU

    Dr. Scott Seaman, AWSP Executive Director
    Sep 30, 2020
    October is National Principals Month. Principals and APs, you are a beacon of hope for your entire school community. And, if there has ever been a time in our history where hope is essential, it is now. Don’t ever underestimate the power and influence of your leadership, nor the hope that you can breathe into the lives of both your students and your staffulty. As your professional association, you can count on AWSP to continue shining a bright light on the life-changing work of principals and assistant principals throughout and beyond this October’s National Principals Month. The world needs to know about your incredibly hard, yet amazingly rewarding work.
  • AWSP News for September 25, 2020

    David Morrill
    Sep 25, 2020
    In this edition of AWSP News, we discuss National Principals Month, our great professional learning opportunities, our Lead Out Loud Assistant Professional Learning series, this week's board meeting, your brand new AWSP Leadership Framework Version 3.0, a message from our board president, Cameron Grow, the passing of Ruth Anderson, and our Cispus Forever campaign.

Like to Write?

We're always looking for guest contributions. If you have a passion to write and things to share, email David about a guest post or a role as a recurring guest blogger. 

For More Information 

David Morrill | Communications & Technology Director | (800) 562-6100

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