Informed Principal


  • First-Day Challenges and Perseverance in Distance Learning

    Allison Shew, Eatonville SD
    Sep 24, 2020
    Eatonville School District students and teachers were met with multiple challenges on the first day of digital instruction as we launched a new school year in a Distance Learning model. Multiple power outages were noted district-wide due to strong winds, powerful fires created unhealthy smoke, and technology issues raged on. In spite of the variety of challenges, all Eatonville School District students, staff, and parents persevered and overcame these issues.
  • Making Space for Virtual Learning

    Caroline Brumfield, AWSP Communications Specialist
    Sep 24, 2020
    Many thoughts ran through my mind when we found out this summer that our kids would be starting school virtually. While it didn't feel like we had control over much of the situation, we had control over one thing in particular - the space in which they would learn. It was time to make space! Making space. It's something that each and every one of us who has any role or part in education has had to do in the midst of the pandemic. Making space, both physically and mentally, is exactly what school leaders have been doing these past several months.
  • ASB Practices in Our New Virtual World

    Greg Barker
    Sep 23, 2020
    We all try so much to follow state and district procedures, laws and policies when it comes to the expenditure of public funds and public meetings. And it is a challenge when we are in person, let alone over the internet video conferencing. So many of our rules and procedures have been thrown out or shelved…you are not alone.
  • Shift - Stay - Shelve - Start

    James Layman
    Sep 23, 2020
    "Where do we even start?" At AWSL, we have received this question from buildings throughout the state as they enter the fall in a myriad of different learning environments. Creating a culture and engaging the school community has been woven into student activity programs for years. Kick-off assemblies, freshman orientation, homecoming, fundraisers, and creating a sense of belonging amongst students and adults have created unique opportunities across the board for schools.
  • Lead Out Loud Series

    Macy Bruhy
    Sep 23, 2020
    Quick, informative, and just in time - AWSP’s brand-new Lead Out Loud Series for assistant principals will help you amplify your voice on the leadership team. In this four-part workshop series, we’ll cover self care, student voice, diversity, equity, inclusion, and conversations about participant-selected hot topics. All sessions will be held virtually.
  • Upcoming Attendance Meetings

    Gina Yonts
    Sep 17, 2020
    This next week, Attendance Clerks are invited to attend a peer to peer discussion session on Monday, September 21 to discuss challenges and solutions. Additionally, AWSP and OSPI will be hosting a special Principal Attendance Office hour on Thursday, September 24.
  • Outside Is In

    Chase Buffington
    Sep 17, 2020
    A lot must be considered when teaching indoors safely this year. If the concern is a constant strain, mix it up.
  • AWSP News for September 10, 2020

    David Morrill
    Sep 11, 2020
    In this edition of AWSP News, we discuss our upcoming Building Effective Leadership series, our new “Smart Series”, our “Lead Out Loud” series, AWSL's Fall Programs, our annual ASB Finance Practices workshop, some OSPI resources for suicide prevention and to help support the mental health of students, a chance to talk about the realities of principaling during COVID, and our Save Cispus campaign.
  • Statewide Attendance Guidance Webinar

    Gina Yonts
    Sep 08, 2020
    Missed the webinar? You have the option to view the recording. Register and watch the AWSP and OSPI partnership meeting with School Leaders and Attendance Clerks on Attendance Guidance.
  • School Safety Tips for September

    Mike Donlin | OSPI School Safety Center
    Aug 21, 2020
    The 2020 Washington Great ShakeOut is coming soon! We are all experiencing what happens in times of a statewide threat to our schools. Even in times of COVID, that means: “Drop, Cover, Hold on!” The official date and time is October 15 at 10:15 am, but any date that works for you and your school community is fine. Make sure you involve your families!

Like to Write?

We're always looking for guest contributions. If you have a passion to write and things to share, email David about a guest post or a role as a recurring guest blogger. 

For More Information 

David Morrill | Communications & Technology Director | (800) 562-6100

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