• Q&A: How Washington State Is Watching Out For Child Welfare During Coronavirus Pandemic

    by David Morrill | Apr 09, 2020
    The Seattle Times had a nice Q&A with Ross Hunter, Secretary of the Department of Children, Youth, and Families (DCYF). Even the best of times, managing the child welfare system is a difficult and complicated job. Learn more about how DCYF is operating and investigating during this period of social distancing. 

    Want to learn more about DCYF? Watch our AWSP TV episode with Ross Hunter, or if the sun is out, put on your walking shoes, get some Vitamin D, and listen to the audio in the podcast version

  • WEBINAR: Supporting School-Based Child Care Service During the COVID Shutdown

    by Xenia Doualle | Apr 07, 2020
    Childcare blog


    When: April 13, 2020 1:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
    Topic: Supporting School-Based Child Care Service during the COVID shutdown 


    Schools have been directed to support child care service for certain families in need. This new responsibility is nuanced, complicated and has pushed systems into very new territory. AWSP assembled an expert panel of state, regional, district and community partners with the intent to provide guidance, resources, and advice.

    This webinar will provide time for a number of questions from the audience. Associate Director Kurt Hatch will lead the webinar. 

    Panelists include:


    • Tana Senn, WA State Representative, Chair Human Services and Early Learning Committee
    • Karma Hugo, Director of Early Learning, OSPI
    • Kristi Dominguez, Executive Director, Teaching and Learning, Bellingham SD
    • Nicole Rose, Assistant Director for the Quality Practice and Professional Growth, DCYF
    • William Jackson, Assistant Principal, Nathan Hale High School and lead coordinator for COVID child care response, Seattle SD
  • Retirement and Health Benefits 2020 Session Summary

    by Xenia Doualle | Apr 06, 2020


    “Yes, the show must go on, But it’s also important to survive until the curtain (retirement) calls.” ~ Freddy Mercury

    Review of the 2020 Legislative Session

    Pensions, Health Care, SEBB, PEBB, Other… The legislative session has concluded, the Governor has acted, and now as the show goes on, districts have to adjust.

    Some statistics may be of interest: 1,019 bills were introduced in the House; 332 were passed; 826 bills were introduced in the Senate and 280 were passed. Overall, 386 bills passed both legislative houses and were before the Governor for action. The adopted budget, agreed to by both Houses, spent less than either of the earlier proposed budgets. Legislators pulled back spending to a degree to shore up the state’s ending balances as a prudent measure. The uncertainty of the effects of the Covid–19 virus led not only them to caution but the Governor vetoed in excess of $400 million in proposed spending.

    So, what happened regarding pensions, health care, financials and other issues?

    Pension/Retirement Related Proposals

    EHB 1390 | At the request of the Select Committee on Pension Policy grants TRS/PERS Plans 1 beneficiaries an increase to their monthly benefit of three percent multiplied by the beneficiaries’ monthly benefit, not to exceed sixty-two dollars and fifty cents on the first $25,000 of benefit. This bill passed both Houses and was signed by the Governor. Retirees will see the increase reflected in their July check.

    Comment: There’s a long story to this bill culminating in some very intense last-minute lobbying to keep it from being vetoed as a cost saving measure (given the impending fiscal demands due to the Covid–19 virus). The bottom line was that it was signed, a minor miracle.

    SB 6383 | Concerning the retirement strategy funds in the plan 3 and the deferred compensation programs. Basically, retirement strategy funds offered to individuals by the State Investment Board in the Plans 3 and DCP (Deferred Compensation Program) may now include investments in the State’s Commingled Trust Fund.

    This bill passed both Houses and was signed by the Governor. School Employee Benefit Board (SEEB) and Other Health Related Proposals

    ESSB 6189 | The Joint Legislative Audit and Review Committee will conduct a study to identify the number and types of part-time employees and their eligibility for SEB Board benefits. The report is due to the Legislature by September 1, 2021.

    The Health Care Authority must analyze the impacts of changes to the requirement that school employers remit premiums for employees that waive medical coverage. The analysis is due to the Legislature by September 1, 2021.

    When school districts report annually to the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction on data related to substitute teachers, they must include the hours worked by each substitute and the number that were eligible for SEB Board benefits.

    Beginning with the 2022 plan year, dual coverage under the SEB Board and benefits provided under the PEB Board is prohibited for the same type of coverage. The SEB and PEB Boards shall adopt policies to reflect this single enrollment requirement.

    School employees’ eligibility for benefits provided by the SEB Board is maintained for the remainder of the school year if, during the Novel Coronavirus (COVID–19) declared state of emergency, the employee would otherwise lose eligibility because of a school closure or changes in operation, an employee being quarantined or required to care for a family member, or an employee must take care of a child during a school, day care, or child care provider closure.

    This bill passed both Houses and was signed by the Governor.

    HB 2458 | The SEB Board is provided with explicit authority to study and, subject to the availability of funding, provide the following employee-paid benefits: emergency transportation; identity protection; legal aid; long-term care insurance; noncommercial personal automobile insurance; personal homeowner’s or renter’s insurance; pet insurance; specified disease or illness-triggered fixed payment insurance, hospital confinement fixed payment insurance, or other fixed payment insurance offered as an independent, non-coordinated benefit regulated by the office of the insurance commissioner; travel insurance; and voluntary employees’ beneficiary association (VEBA) accounts.

    If the Board is not providing these benefits a school district may provide these benefits to employees. With the exception of VEBA accounts, benefits provided by a district must be employee paid and may be administered using a payroll deduction.

    If a district is found to be providing a benefit that competes with any form of basic or optional benefits that are provided by the Board the district, the provider, and the Health Care Authority (HCA) are directed to work together to eliminate the conflict.

    Comment: At the last PEBB meeting, the HCA indicated they have no current plans to seek proposals for additional PEBB offerings. This bill passed both Houses was signed by the Governor.

    Other Bills:

    ESHB 1813 | Mandates that the costs of contracted employee health and retirement benefits must be built into school district contracts for pupil transportation.

    This bill died by Senate action placing it on the “X” file, but it is expected to return in some form during the 2020–2021 session. (See future projections below.)

    Other Bills That May Have Fiscal/HR Impacts For Districts

    SHB 2614 | Concerning paid family and medical leave.

    Makes numerous revisions to the Paid Family and Medical Leave program to provide clarity and improve the program’s administration, including waiting periods, conditional waivers, and supplementation of benefits. Exempts casual labor from the types of covered employment. Grants the Employment Security Department (ESD) statutory authority to administer oaths, take depositions, issue subpoenas, or compel a witness’ attendance in an administrative proceeding. Allows ESD to apply for and obtain a superior court order authorizing a subpoena in advance of its issuance. Authorizes employees to bring a private right of action to recover damages for an employer’s unlawful acts, under specified conditions. This bill is agency request legislation.

    This bill passed both Houses and has been signed by the Governor.

    HB 2739 | Modifies definitions for purposes of the shared leave program. This bill originated with a constituent who teaches in the Edmonds School District and has a child with multiple chronic conditions that require intermittent attention. He found that, given current policy, employees would be required to be on full-time leave and exhaust all or nearly all leave to accept shared leave. Across Washington, many people going through difficult circumstances are helped by caring colleagues that support them through shared leave donations. This bill provides clarification on current law and also helps people who have intermittent health needs.

    This bill passed both Houses and has been signed by the Governor.

    ESSB 5473 | Requires the Employment Security Department to study the impacts to the unemployment trust fund and employer contributions for unemployment insurance by allowing exceptions to provisions disqualifying individuals from receiving unemployment benefits for leaving work voluntarily without good cause related to: (1) inaccessible care for a child or vulnerable adult; (2) substantial increases in job duties or working conditions without commensurate increase in pay; (3) separation from a minor child. Requires ESD to meet at least three times with business and worker representatives to discuss the information gathered by ESD. Removes modifications to the term good cause for unemployment purposes for the separation due to inaccessible care for a child or vulnerable adult and related to separation from work related to the death, illness, or disability of a family member.

    This bill passed both Houses and has been signed by the Governor.

    SB 6123 | An agency must allow an employee to take paid leave as needed to participate in life-giving procedures if the employee provides written proof from an accredited medical institution, physician, or other medical professional that the employee participated in a lifegiving procedure. Leave granted to participate in life-giving procedures must not exceed thirty days in a two-year period.

    This bill passed both Houses and has been signed by the Governor.

    SB 6417 | Allows retirees to change their survivor option election after retirement. The bill passed both Houses and has been signed by the Governor.

    Health Insurance Benefit In a separate part of the budget, the Medicare health insurance benefit subsidy was maintained. Up to $183/month will be applied to the cost of retiree health insurance as a subsidy.

    Selected Financials

    ESSB 6168 State Budget

    Below are selected financial figures from the adopted supplemental 2020 budget:

    2019- 2020 2020-2021
    Fringe benefit allocation 23.80% 24.03% /Allocated Certificated
    24.33% 24.44% / Allocated Classified
    Incremental fringe benefit 23.16% 23.39% / Allocated Certificated
    20.83% 20.94% / Allocated Classified

    Insurance Health Benefit:

    2019–20 School Year:

    • $973/month from 9/1/19-12/31/19

    • $994/month from 1/1/20-6/30/20

    • $1,056/month from 7/1/20-8/31/20

    • $1,000/month for 2020–21 School Year
    2019- 2020 2020-2021
    Medicare Insurance Subsidy for Retirees $183 $183

    Employer Retirement Contributions:

    • Increase of 0.23% to TRS to fund EHB 1390 (3% COLA for Plans 1 members) and an increase of 0.11% for SERS.
    2019- 2020 2020-2021
    Substitute Rate (4 subs/classroom teacher unit) $151.86 $151.86

    Unemployment Insurance Account:

    Unknown Costs. New coverage is allowed if an individual can work due to Covid–19. The legislature appropriated $25 million to cover these anticipated expenses, but if not covered, then where do the extra dollars come from?

    What will the future hold?

    Three themes run through the Washington State legislature. The predominate theme will be the effects of Covid–19 on the state budget and operations. This patina will color all actions in the foreseeable future. A second, continuing theme is that labor continues to control a large part of the legislative agenda. Three, Seattle area legislators have tremendous sway on what bills get action.

    Although many policy bills proposed during both the session failed to advance, some components will likely be re-introduced through either new legislation or reviving a previous bill during the 2021–22 Session(s).

    Moving into speculation on the future, some key activities may occur:

    1. As a result of the fiscal effects of Covid–19 shutdown, the Governor may call for a Special Session do deal with the impacts.

    2. With the upcoming election, it will be a priority for the Democrats to maintain majorities in both houses. They currently hold a strong majority in the House, and a weaker one in the Senate. There is a chance that they may lose both majorities given the challenges of campaigning and raising dollars in a Covid–19 world and the number of announced vacancies to date. See below. The Republicans are organizing opposition by beating up the Democrats over their passage of the ‘Sex Ed’ bill, and their failure to use any of the increased state revenue to at least set license tabs back to $30. Of course, having Tim Eyman and Senator Fortunato (Pierce County) as announced gubernatorial candidates on a ticket with President Trump may hurt the Republicans at the ballot.

    3. There are at least eleven retiring House members and three Senators to date who will not be returning. Filing week is May 11th which will identify all candidates. A reminder that all House positions are open, and about half the Senate. (See list below of Senate seats up for reelection) 

      Senator District Party
      Becker, Randi (Retiring) 2 R
      Billig, Andy 3 D
      Braun, John 20 R
      Cleveland, Annette 49 D
      Darneille, Jeannie 27 D
      Hasegawa, Bob 11 D
      Hawkins, Brad 12 R
      Hunt, Sam 22 D
      King, Curtis 14 R
      Lovelett, Liz * 40 D
      Mullet, Mark 5 D
      Muzzall, Ron *** 10 R
      O'Ban, Steve 28 R
      Padden, Mike 4 R
      Rivers, Ann 18 R
      Rolfes, Christine 23 D
      Schoesler, Mark 9 R
      Stanford, Derek *** 1 D
      Takko, Dean 19 D
      Van De Wege, Kevin 24 D
      Wagoner, Keith * 39 R
      Walsh, Maureen (Retiring) 16 R
      Wellman, Lisa 41 D
      Wilson, Lynda 17 R
      Zeiger, Hans (Retiring) 25 R


    4. Post-election, there will be a reshuffling of committee assignments and leadership positions in both houses. The current House Majority Leader, Representative Pat Sullivan, is retiring. A replacement has yet to be announced.

    5. There continues to be a need to get full funding of the SEBB benefits for districts. The law says that districts are to fund benefits on a per-head basis. The state funds benefits on a formula generated FTE allocation. This is an unfunded liability to districts.

    6. Past legislation allowed employees to bargain for insurance benefits for employees working less than 630 hours. There will continue to be pressure on districts to offer these benefits to all employees. A proposal before the 2020 legislature dictated that identical SEBB health benefits and retirement benefits be paid to employees who work with private providers of transportation services to school districts. This proposal failed but is likely to return. Those contracted employees such as in food service, janitorial, special education, etc. working within school districts may well ask for similar benefit coverage.

    7. As a reminder: The legislature will continue to make the implicit price deflator (IPD) the future measure when looking at inflationary increases. The traditional consumer price index (CPI) generates a higher rate of inflation using a different set of assumptions. The IPD generates a lower rate which stretches State dollars wider helping those that create budgets and allocate dollars. This potentially hurts those who are impacted by inflationary increases not measured by the IPD, like school districts.

    8. Efforts will be made to continue to increase the Medicare insurance subsidy. Rates have gone up substantially and the current $183/month is not nearly enough to offset the increased costs.

    9. Work will continue to put school retirees in the largest risk pool available to reduce their current insurance costs. Currently, K–12 retirees remain in the PEBB program/pool. The HCA is to study and make recommendations in this area.

    10. Efforts to fundamentally change the state’s current pension system into a defined contribution model (401-K) may resurface under the argument of saving the state dollars. Senator Braun, the current ranking Republican on the Senate Ways and Means Committee, (WM) is a leading advocate of making changes.

    11. Talk of merging the LEOFF 1 surplus budget funds into the TRS 1 pension fund may come up again. This merger would decrease the unfunded liability in Plan 1. It decreases the added surcharge employers (both state, school districts, counties and cities) are currently paying to decrease this liability. This is an issue dear to the Republican leaders.

    12. Moving to a state-wide collective bargaining contract for all K–12 employees. (This is a real ‘pie-in-the-sky’ projection.) The statewide SEBB program and bargaining model should be adapted to the wider arena to cover salaries and other benefits. The current model allowing districts to develop their own salary schedules and state disparate funding has already led to inequalities between districts and regions.

    13. K–12 education in a post-Covid–19 world will look different. Distance education, rural broadband issues, and on-line teaching will all be topics of focus. Even issues like transportation related to athletics (long-bus trips to competitions) will be a topic of concern and discussion.

    14. Related to K–12 and challenging to school districts will be the provision of services for special needs students. How do provide services?

    The show goes on amidst tremendous challenges.

    If you have any questions, please feel free to make contact.

    Fred Yancey | The Nexus Group LLC

  • AWSP News for April 3, 2020

    by Xenia Doualle | Apr 03, 2020

    In this special edition of AWSP News, we discuss:

    • our daily updated website,
    • our weekly Zoom Office Hours for open discussion, Q & A, virtual hugs and principal therapy,
    • National Assistant Principals Week,
    • a Zoom meeting about high school graduation,
    • a webinar on child care,
    • maintaining equitable systems for student-learning during the COVID shut down,
    • and updates to the 2020 Resources page on the AWSL website.

    Prefer to read the news? Check out the script.

  • OSPI, Local Television Stations Partner to Offer Educational Programming

    by Xenia Doualle | Apr 03, 2020
    OSPI blog

    OSPI is partnering with the public televisions across our state. Beginning this week, your local public television station is offering educational programming for students in grades 6 – 12 from 9:00am – 2:00pm daily.  These educational programs (programs like NOVA and The American Experience) have curriculum and discussion guides available for students, teachers, and families. 

    To see the programming in your area, link to the WORLD Channel “At-Home Learning” page. At the bottom of the page you’ll see links to the schedule and to the resources for teachers, students, and families.  (To make sure you’re accessing the correct local information, you can set your local station by entering your zip code at the top of the World channel site.)

  • Helping Bridge The Digital Divide

    by David Morrill | Apr 02, 2020

    photo of digital divide

    With the closure of our brick and mortar school buildings due to the coronavirus, access to the internet is becoming a necessity for all students. However, statistics at the Federal Communications Commission suggest that one in three households has no broadband access. As this article from The Verge states, “living with the coronavirus is going to reveal hard truths about the digital divide.” State and federal efforts are underway to change this.

    State Senator Lisa Wellman (41st LD, Mercer Island) emailed me today. Here’s what she shared. 

    “As this crisis extends into the future we must get all kids on line with connectivity and devices so education can continue in all parts of Washington. Russ Elliot, head of the Broadband Office and Lisa Brown, head of the Department of Commerce have put a plan in front of the Governor today in support of fast-tracking connectivity to unserved areas. The proposed solution can be rolled out to educational facilities and libraries across the state in areas of concern and tribal reservations, leveraging substantial broadband connectivity currently underused and utilizing existing networks already funded by state and federal dollars. Though this does not expand networks to the home, it does offer immediate supply of internet in convenient locations for Washington state citizens, students, and workers. Many of our rural areas are wondering what they can offer schoolchildren. These hot spots of connectivity will be an important first step in providing an answer and enabling districts to immediately begin planning for utilization if they so choose.”

    At the national level, the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP) just launched a new campaign to advocate for a funding increase to the E-Rate program and allowing those funds to be used to support home internet access for students. Their statement says in part, “The ‘homework gap’ was a big problem before, but with schools closed around the country during COVID-19 and teachers conducting remote lessons and assignments, the most underprivileged students are at even greater risk of falling behind. We need Congress and the FCC to act now, and the E-Rate program is the best solution.”

    School leaders and advocates can send emails and tweets to Congress and FCC Chairman Ajit Pai using the new campaign

    Find more resources and information about affordable internet access, visit our coronavirus resource page

  • Zoom High School Graduation Discussion

    by David Morrill | Mar 31, 2020
    We are quickly approaching the release of the State Board of Education (SBE) draft rules around the waiver process and potential graduation credit adjustments. According to the SBE timeline the draft is to be released on Wednesday, April 1st with the comment period ending Friday, April 3rd. This is a very quick turnaround and we want to make sure our collective voice is heard around the draft rules.  

    With this in mind, I will be hosting a Zoom meeting focused on the draft rules and a few other items. The Zoom is scheduled for Wednesday, April 1st beginning at 1:00 PM.  The purpose of the time will be:

    • Review and discuss SBE draft rules around the wavier process for graduation requirements
    • Provide feedback on the draft rules and send back to SBE
    • Discuss engagement and motivational strategies for seniors
    • Discuss what continuous learning might look like for seniors
    Should you have any questions about Wednesday, please let me know via phone (360-529-5801 or email me). 

    Meeting Docs
    Ideas to keep seniors engage, stay connected, and provide hope? Send them to Scott

    AWSP is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

    Topic: High School Graduation Discussion 
    Time: Apr 1, 2020 01:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

    Join Zoom Meeting

    Meeting ID: 846 654 7712

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    Meeting ID: 846 654 7712
    Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/abHNXokG1L
  • AWSP Office Hours

    by David Morrill | Mar 31, 2020
    awsp office hours

    UPDATE: We have moved our office hours to 7am every Friday. Join us for a virtual coffee chat on June 5th!

    Come join us for our virtual office hours. Every Friday, at least for the foreseeable future, we'll be hanging out in Zoom. We'll start by providing new updates, we'll answer questions, and then we'll turn it over to you to share stories, successes, challenges, and learn from each other. We hope to see you there. 

    Join Our Zoom Meeting


    Meeting ID: 741 660 225

    One tap mobile
    +13462487799,,741660225# US (Houston)
    +14086380968,,741660225# US (San Jose)

    Dial by your location
            +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
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            +1 253 215 8782 US
            +1 301 715 8592 US
            +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

    Meeting ID: 741 660 225
    Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/abHNXokG1L
  • Outside Is In: 5 Ways to Enjoy Nature in Your Own Backyard

    by Xenia Doualle | Mar 31, 2020

    Posted by Martin Fortin


    “Outside is In”

    A long gaze outside and the certainty that normalcy is not soon. AWSP Learning Centers suggest you take a walk to your backyard. Time to get comfortable with what you see and explore the great potential. Identify what was more than just a lawn to mow, but what could you grow? Can you turn the backyard into a new normalcy? Is it the new science lab and home discovery? We say yes! One suggestion is attracting more wildlife.

  • A Message From State Superintendent Chris Reykdal

    by Xenia Doualle | Mar 30, 2020

    This is a message from Washington State Superintendent Chris Reykdal to educators, parents, students, & seniors. For more information, visit:

  • The Harbor: Social and Emotional Wellbeing Resources from Jostens Renaissance

    by David Morrill | Mar 27, 2020

    Jostens header image

    The team at Jostens went through the Harbor library and pulled the best 9 episodes addressing social and emotional wellbeing that are applicable to middle and high school. They actually screened these with some upper elementary students and believe they are applicable for that age group as well.

    If anyone you have any questions or need any additional information,reach out to Tara Campbell, EdD our Sr. Manager of Program Development Jostens Renaissance Education.

    Here are the links that you will need to share with them. Schools can share these links out with their students, teachers, and parents as the same link should work for all.



  • AWSP News for March 27, 2020

    by Xenia Doualle | Mar 27, 2020


    In this episode of AWSP News, we discuss:

    • social distancing,
    • our mission to continue our high level of support for K–12 principals, assistant principals and other school leaders in our state,
    • a time to make your voice heard and influence the big decisions that will impact you and your school,
    • our Advocacy work,
    • Professional Learning,
    • our AWSP YouTube channel,
    • Member Support,
    • Diversity and Equity,
    • Student Leadership,
    • Communications,
    • and remember…we are here for you.

    Prefer to read the news? Check out the script

  • What Does Strong Leadership Look Like During a Pandemic?

    by Xenia Doualle | Mar 25, 2020


    Our KPA Executive board got together last night to reflect on what strong leadership looks like in a pandemic. In times of crisis, it is even more important to think reflectively about our practice and how we are using our systems intelligence, personal intelligence, and social intelligence as we navigate the contexts around us. Below are some “leadership moves” that you might consider as we move forward.

    Leadership Moves

    Leadership of Self

    It is important that you put your own oxygen mask on first. Take some time to see where you stand emotionally. And, give yourself grace. Model self-care for your staff or explicitly share with your staff the strategies that you are using for “self-care”- it is okay to be transparent that you have anxiety as well. Acknowledge that everyone will process these events differently- so anticipate a myriad of different responses from staff and be okay with this. And, be aware that everyone needs different levels of time/space to cope with this type of event. Make sure you plug into your own support system when you need it. And, if you are ill, give yourself the space and time to get better and know that others can pick up your leadership role.


    • Set up regular meeting to meet with your administrative teams.

    • Initiate a Principal PLC that meets weekly so you can connect with colleagues.

    • Take up a new “do it from home” activity- we hear that Netflix Yoga classes are great!

    • Journal about your leadership experience during a pandemic. (Maybe you could even publish it!)

    • Take a sick day if you are ill!

    • If it all possible, do virtual face to face communication to connect.

    • Take time to do some professional learning. Feed your mind with a new book, documentary or podcast.

    Staying Connected with Staff 

    Staff have the potential to feel isolated. And, this event could make or break a school culture. Think about how you might create opportunities for staff to connect. Consider how you might grow your building teacher leaders to engage colleagues in ongoing work.


    • Ask for staff volunteers to do an online book study; or ask teachers leaders if they would like to initiate an online book study.

    • Invite staff to continue PLC work in their grade level or department teams. If we move to remote learning, knowing clearly what we want students to know and be able to do is going to be paramount.

    • Send postcards or individual emails home to staff that are vulnerable.

    • Create a list of vulnerable staff and connect them with a “buddy/teacher leader” that will check in with them.

    • Connect with your Building Leadership team and leverage their leadership to connect, support and grow the work.

    • Hold staff meeting using Microsoft Teams to connect and bring everyone together.

    • Send out a weekly memo and highlight how staff are “coping” with the isolation. You could even include pictures that staff send to you!

    • Start a phone tree that can be triggered by staff if there is a need.


    Preparation for Loss of Life

    It is always good to prepare for the worst-case scenario while hoping for the best. There is a real chance that our students and staff will return traumatized by death and the experiences that occurred while out of school. And, with the potential for wide-spread tragedy, each school should be prepared to support students and staff remotely during the closure and when they return. Our district will not have the resources to deploy a flight team to each school.


    • Work with a team to build lessons for grief groups.
    • Prepare professional development for staff on coping with grief/trauma.
    • Develop Advisory/Homeroom Lessons on dealing with loss or supporting those who have.

    • Reach out to staff who have experienced loss and identify supports needed for when we return to school.

    • Connect staff with EAP resources or make these resources easily accessible to staff.


    Staying Connected with Students 

    Students will take their lead from their teachers and their building leaders. Consider how you can work with teachers on ways to reach out to students while still maintaining professional and appropriate boundaries.


    • Send emails (or call) to students that you know are vulnerable.

    • Maintain a blog with your students.

    • Support teachers in sending weekly emails to students.

    • Volunteer to assist with delivering lunches to students.


    Implementing Systems to Create some “normalcy”

    Some continuity in a time of chaos is helpful. Setting up routines with your staff that are predictable and consistent can help ground a staff.


    • Consider setting up regular meetings with Department Leaders/Curricular leaders/teacher leaders, etc. Put them in calendars so that people know when they are coming.
    • Continue your building leadership team meetings in a remote fashion.
    • Meet with your counselor/admin team consistently.
    • Schedule regular staff meeting check-ins.
    • Develop a system to get teacher feedback on what they need (i.e. survey).
    • Consider systems currently in place (i.e. IEP monitoring/calendaring, purchasing, transcript procurement, master schedule development), how you will adapt these systems, and when/how to communicate the systems


    Think about caring for staff first and accountability second. Now more than ever it is important to assume positive intent. If a staff is not answering emails or engaging in school-based activities, assume there is a legitimate reason for this and pick up the phone to check on them. Try not to frame your responses around the 1% that might not be engaging immediately. The majority of our amazing teaching staff will do their best to remain engaged throughout this experience.

    As this is an ever-evolving situation, sometimes it is certainly okay “to go slow to go fast”. Take your time to be deliberate and strategic in the leadership that you provide. We are not in this alone. Please do not hesitate to reach out to your KPA Board to problem solve, connect, and plan. We are here to support you.

    Dan Irvine, Principal Grass Lake Elem, KPA President
    Heidi Maurer, Principal Kentlake HS, KPA President-Elect
    Jim Schiechl, Principal Mattson MS, KPA Immediate Past President
    Scott Abernathy, Principal Glenridge Elem, KPA Board Member
    Anita Macpherson, Assistant Principal Kentwood HS, KPA Board Member

  • Special Board Meeting regarding rulemaking, graduation requirements

    by Xenia Doualle | Mar 23, 2020


    The State Legislature passed a new law (EHB 2965) supporting the state's response to the novel coronavirus. This law includes a provision (see Section 10) that allows the State Board of Education to grant an emergency waiver to local education agencies (e.g., school districts, etc.) and private schools. The waiver will provide flexibility so individual students in the graduating Class of 2020 or earlier, who were on track to graduate, are not held back by school closures due to the novel coronavirus.

    Under the emergency waiver program, public school districts, charter schools, and tribal compact schools will be able to apply to the State Board of Education for a waiver of certain high school graduation requirements. To get the waiver, schools and districts must demonstrate a good faith effort to address core course requirements and credit deficiencies (see OSPI Bulletin 022-20 for guidance on supporting seniors). In addition, the State Board of Education may waive credit-based graduation requirements and school day and instructional hour requirements for private schools. 

    The State Board of Education is working with partners to review different scenarios and considerations to ensure the program rules effectively support students, schools, and communities. The Board will hold a Special Meeting from 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. on Thursday, March 26, to review the draft timeline and considerations for rulemaking. The Board expects to adopt emergency rules by the middle of April.

    We intend to offer a virtual attendance option for the public to view the meeting via ZOOM and encourage those who wish to provide public comment to do so by email at sbe@k12.wa.us.

    We will post the ZOOM link to the meeting on Twitter and on the SBE Meetings page. Please stay tuned for updates.

    Stephanie Davidsmeyer, SBE
  • Remote Work Tips and Tools & How AWSP Continues to Support You From Home

    by David Morrill | Mar 20, 2020

    remote work image

    In 2019, 16% of companies exclusively hired remote remote workers. In 2020, nobody could foresee the huge numbers of employees forced into working from home. Remote work has some clear benefits, but how do you adjust and adapt when your job is running a school full of adults and students? We’ve got more than just some bad puns for you. See if you can envision any of these tools or resources help bring your team together.

    Video Conferencing

    This is the become the de facto standard for collaboration these days. By now, most of you have already heard of Zoom, which has become so popular it’s practically a verb (I’m gonna Zoom into that meeting right after I Google that). There’s a bunch of options, from Zoom, GoToMeeting, trusty ole Skype, Microsoft Teams, heck, even FaceTime will do in a pinch and can support 31 other people on a call (but everyone needs an Apple device for that).

    We use Zoom at AWSP, and they’ve got a bunch of great resources on their webpage now, covering topics like effective remote working, educating over zoom, and hosting virtual events. Zoom has a free plan that offers unlimited 1 to 1 meetings, hosts up to 100 participants, but the catch on the free account is a 40-minute time limit on group meetings. After 40-minutes, your meeting ends and you would have to start a new one. At least that’s how it normally works. Zoom is removing the 40-minute time limit now for K–12 schools. Zoom even has the ability to create breakout rooms.

    While it’s our favorite video conferencing platform, it’s not the only one. Check out these alternatives from PC Mag (where Zoom is an editors’ choice). There are a ton of these articles out there now, but here’s a good one about the do’s and don’ts of videoconferencing from The Verge.

    Collaboration Software

    Email sucks. There, I said it. Don’t get me wrong; it’s still a useful tool for communication, but it’s taken on way more than it was ever designed to do. Having a great online collaboration space can provide more inclusion, transparency, and accountability than trying to manage group conversations, tasks, and files through email. Our tool of choice at AWSP is Basecamp. It includes a company HQ and then you can create new “Basecamps” by team (groups of people doing similar work) or by project (work that crosses teams). Each HQ, project, or team includes these functions:

    • Campfires/chat , which we use for announcements, quick updates, sharing links…things that are conversational and won’t likely be important by the next day.
    • Message board, which we use instead of email for interoffice communication. It’s so much easier to follow the discussion, find files, add quick replies, and you never have to worry about wondering if you forgot to CC all the right people (as long as they have access to the project)
    • To-dos, which are very powerful. You can create lists, grouped items in lists, assign them to team members, set due dates, set notifications for who to notify when the task is done, attach files, leave notes, and discuss each item in a to-do list.
    • Schedule, which we use to, wait for it…schedule events. Things given due dates in to-do lists show up here automatically.
    • Automatic Check-ins, which we use to keep Gina and Scott (along with other staff not in our building every day) up to date with what’s going on. We get a question at the end of every day asking what we worked on, as one example. These automatic questions are a great way to check-in on the wellbeing, concerns, and needs of your staff.
    • Docs and files can be used to upload, you guess it, docs and files. You can also link to online files like a Google Doc so you can keep all your working files in one place.
    • Email forward can be turned on in any project. You can forward any email to Basecamp, so even that communication outside Basecamp can be put into the project so everything is truly in one place.

    The great thing about Basecamp is how it improves communication and transparency because if you’re on a project or team, everyone is included in all communication. That said, sometimes you just need some one to one communication. That’s where Pings come in, which are Basecamp’s version of text messaging essential. You can ping and individual or a group of people. Each project, team, or HQ has its own activity feed, so it’s easy to get caught up on what’s been done and what you might have missed.

    While we love Basecamp and found it indispensable even before we were all sent home to serve you, there are lots of other great communication, collaboration, and project management tools. Things like Slack, asana, Trello, and even GSuite from Google. Check out this list here to see if something is right for you and your team. And here’s one more list of Basecamp alternatives. Basecamp has always offered free accounts for teachers for classroom work (and my guess is they’re not going to limit just classroom work now). When it comes to remote work, they wrote the book…literally.


    A while ago, we switched our phone systems to RingCentral. Think of it like a phone system without phones. At our office, we still have our traditional desk phones, but as we’ve moved to remote work for the time being, most of us are answering your calls on an app on our computer or cell phone. The supports you have for communication right now are going to look very different from district to district, but right now RingCentral is providing their services for free to K–12 schools (and health care). I know a lot of you have systems in place like Remind for communication with your staff and community, so I won’t go on here.

    My blog post turned into peeling back the curtain a little bit for how we’ve set ourselves up to keep serving you disruption free during this crazy time, but I hope you’re able to find something in here helpful. We’ll keep sharing tools, tips, and tricks as this thing continues, and some advice and guidance on what you should be doing with them.

    In the meantime, take a deep breath and focus on yourself and your family. You need to take care of yourself before you can be your best self for others, and one things for sure, you’ll still be needed. Let’s all make the best of our weekend. Maybe we’ll see you back here Monday with another blog post (and don’t forget to follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook).

  • OSPI School Safety Tips for April

    by Xenia Doualle | Mar 18, 2020

    When the requirement for comprehensive school and district safety plans was first written into law nearly 20 years ago, the legislature had some very insightful comments on the need for such plans. The note accompanying RCW 28A.320.125 says:

    “The legislature recognizes that there is a need to focus on the development and implementation of comprehensive safe school plans for each public school. The legislature recognizes that comprehensive safe school plans for each public school are an integral part of rebuilding public confidence. In developing these plans, the legislature finds that a coordinated effort is essential to ensure the most effective response to any type of emergency. Further, the legislature recognizes that comprehensive safe school plans for each public school are of paramount importance and will help to assure students, parents, guardians, school employees, and school administrators that our schools provide the safest possible learning environment.”  (Bolds and italics are mine.)

    When it comes to developing comprehensive safety plans, the process is more important than the product.  I have often been asked if I can just share a sample of someone’s safety plan so that names and locations can be changed and adapted for a new site. The answer is no. Developing comprehensive safety plans is a process specific to a district or school. A comprehensive school safety plan takes time, effort, collaboration - and then practice, before starting over. For more information on developing district and school safety plans, 

    One component of a comprehensive safety plan involves planning for longer-term emergency situations – earthquakes and other natural disasters, other major threats and hazards; we have been facing one such situation head on for some time now with the COVID-19 pandemic virus. That safety plan component is a Continuity of Operations Plan, or simply a COOP. A COOP helps ensure that essential district or school functions continue during an emergency and its immediate aftermath. Again, there is no one-size-fits-all. Each COOP is developed to meet the specific needs of its district or school. More information on COOPs and COOP planning can be found on the Safety Center Continuity of Operations Plan page.

    As we move through the current pandemic emergency, and as we approach a new normal, let’s all be well prepared for whatever comes next. If you need any assistance with your comprehensive school safety or COOP planning, please do not hesitate to contact our office.

  • AWSP News for March 18, 2020

    by Xenia Doualle | Mar 18, 2020


    In this unique edition of AWSP News, we discuss:

    • some of the impacts COVID–19 is having on AWSP,
    • an opportunity to work on your professional learning, and
    • what is NOT being cancelled.

    Prefer to read the news? Check out the script.

  • AWSP Statement & Update on COVID-19

    by David Morrill | Mar 13, 2020

    keep calm and principal on image

    With the spread of the Coronavirus and the tremendous impact it’s having across our state, we know you have a ton of questions. First, what does the Coronavirus COVID-19 mean for AWSP? Just because all our districts are closing doesn’t mean all your troubles go away too. AWSP staff has always been a phone call or email away when you are in need, and this closure will not change our response time to you. Our office will continue to operate on your behalf. Some of us will continue to come into the office, some of us will be working from home, but all of us will still be available to serve you. 

    With all that said, there might be a hiccup or two along the way as we work through a new reality for a while. Check out our staff directory to find all the direct lines and email addresses to access our great staff, no matter the issue or question you might have. Email is probably the best and most reliable method to reach us as our “office” becomes more remote and fluid. 

    We are all traveling down this unprecedented road, just as you are, with more questions than answers. As principals, and a principal’s association, we always find ourselves sitting in the middle of the sandwich between policy and decision-makers and the teachers and kids we serve. 

    We understand the difficult position this puts you in as your community comes to you for answers. This situation is literally unfolding before our eyes on a day by day basis. It is important for you to remain calm and reassure the students and families in your school that we will rise through this, and at some point, resume normal operations. 

    As you field questions you don’t have answers for, it is best to say you don’t know and point people to messages, FAQs, and information coming from the district and state levels. To help you with that, we’ve been updating our COVID-19 resource page daily with state, federal, and international resources, along with news, updates, helpful resources, and even included a video with some helpful tips that ought to bring a much-needed smile to your face. 

    What does it mean for AWSP events? Our first concern is safety for our members, our staff, and our community. With that in mind, here’s what that means for us as we make day by day and week by week decisions:

    April Boards and Grade-Level Leadership Committees

    The April AWSP Board meeting (your governance structure), originally scheduled for April 23-24 in Leavenworth, will shift from a face to face meeting to a scaled-down Zoom meeting. Details about the specifics of this modified meeting will be coming soon.

    Along the same lines, principals in the state are represented by Elementary, Middle and High School Grade-Level Leadership Committees. These committees meet in conjunction with AWSP Board meetings and were also planning their next face to face gathering for April 24-25 in Leavenworth. Needless to say, those meetings have also been postponed. We will be working with each of the executive leaders of those committees to determine the next steps and Zoom options.

    At this point, each education agency in the state is putting all professional learning on a “holding pattern” until further notice. We will be making official cancellation notices on a case by case and event by event basis. If you are currently planning on attending an event and haven’t heard an official word regarding a postponement and/or cancellation, just keep checking the website of the organization leading the event. For example, stay tuned on events If you are involved with Mentor Training, the CEO Network, Mastering Principal Leadership Network, etc.

    Equity Conference & Summer Conference

    We are using our cup-half full attitudes to hope that some of our major events like the WSSDA/WASA/AWSP 2020 Equity Conference on May 20th or the WASA/AWSP Summer Conference will not have to be rescheduled or canceled. These are major events designed to support K-12 leaders in our state. We will keep our fingers crossed that our society will emerge from this crisis well in advance of having to make tough decisions on these events. Our partner organizations are working on contingency plans if needed, but at this point, we are still encouraging people to register and plan for great future professional learning opportunities.

    Principal leadership has always mattered, and in a time like this, it matters even more. You are the rock of your school and will be the one who brings everyone and everything back together. As much as you might be worried about your students, families, and school, don’t forget to take care of yourself at the same time. In order for you to lead effectively through and after this crisis, we need you to be your best self. Thank you for your leadership and don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you need anything. 

  • Retirement & Health Benefits for March 13, 2020

    by Xenia Doualle | Mar 13, 2020




    “Church ain’t over til the choir stops singing…” ~ Anonymous

    Sine Die occurred and the 66th Legislature has concluded. The last act is the Governor’s responses to the various legislative proposals that have delivered to his office. Once his ‘singing’ is done, attention will shift to the upcoming national and local election.

    There will be a more complete ‘End of Session’ summary to follow, but this is just an update on some selected bills.

    Retirement Related Proposals

    EHB 1390 | At the request of the Select Committee on Pension Policy grants TRS/PERS Plans 1 beneficiaries an increase to their monthly benefit of three percent multiplied by the beneficiaries’ monthly benefit, not to exceed sixty-two dollars and fifty cents on the first $25,000 of benefit. This bill passed both Houses and being sent to the Governor’s desk for his signature.

    SB 6383 | Concerning the retirement strategy funds in the plan 3 and the deferred compensation programs. Basically, retirement strategy funds offered by the State Investment Board in the Plans 3 and DCP (Deferred Compensation Program) may include investment in the State’s Commingled Trust Fund.

    This bill passed both Houses and is being sent to the Governor’s desk for his signature.

    School Employee Benefit Board (SEEB) and Other Health Related Proposals

    ESSB 6189 | The Joint Legislative Audit and Review Committee will conduct a study to identify the number and types of part-time employees and their eligibility for SEB Board benefits. The report is due to the Legislature by September 1, 2021.

    The Health Care Authority must analyze the impacts of changes to the requirement that school employers remit premiums for employees that waive medical coverage. The analysis is due to the Legislature by September 1, 2021.

    When school districts report annually to the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction on data related to substitute teachers, they must include the hours worked by each substitute and the number that were eligible for SEB Board benefits.

    Beginning with the 2022 plan year, dual coverage under the SEB Board and benefits provided under the PEB Board is prohibited for the same type of coverage. The SEB and PEB Boards shall adopt policies to reflect this single enrollment requirement. School employees’ eligibility for benefits provided by the SEB Board is maintained for the remainder of the school year if, during the Novel Coronavirus (COVID–19) declared state of emergency, the employee would otherwise lose eligibility because of a school closure or changes in operation, an employee being quarantined or required to care for a family member, or an employee must take care of a child during a school, day care, or child care provider closure.

    This bill passed both Houses and is being sent to the Governor’s desk for his signature.

    HB 2458 | The SEB Board is provided with explicit authority to study and, subject to the availability of funding, provide the following employee-paid benefits: emergency transportation; identity protection; legal aid; long-term care insurance; noncommercial personal automobile insurance; personal homeowner’s or renter’s insurance; pet insurance; specified disease or illness-triggered fixed payment insurance, hospital confinement fixed payment insurance, or other fixed payment insurance offered as an independent, non-coordinated benefit regulated by the office of the insurance commissioner; travel insurance; and voluntary employees’ beneficiary association (VEBA) accounts.

    If the Board is not providing these benefits a school district may provide these benefits to employees. With the exception of VEBA accounts, benefits provided by a district must be employee paid and may be administered using a payroll deduction.

    If a district is found to be providing a benefit that competes with any form of basic or optional benefits that are provided by the Board the district, the provider, and the Health Care Authority are directed to work together to eliminate the conflict. This bill passed both Houses and is being sent to the Governor’s desk for his signature.

    Other bills:

    ESHB 1813 | Mandates that the costs of contracted employee health and retirement benefits must be built into school district contracts for pupil transportation.

    This bill died by Senate action placing it on the “X” file, but it is expected to return in some form during the 2020–2021 session.

    Other Bills that may have fiscal/HR impacts for districts

    SHB 2614 | Concerning paid family and medical leave. Makes numerous revisions to the Paid Family and Medical Leave program to provide clarity and improve the program’s administration, including waiting periods, conditional waivers, and supplementation of benefits. Exempts casual labor from the types of covered employment. Grants the Employment Security Department (ESD) statutory authority to administer oaths, take depositions, issue subpoenas, or compel a witness’ attendance in an administrative proceeding. Allows ESD to apply for and obtain a superior court order authorizing a subpoena in advance of its issuance. Authorizes employees to bring a private right of action to recover damages for an employer’s unlawful acts, under specified conditions. This bill is agency request legislation.

    This bill passed both Houses and has been delivered to the Governor.

    HB 2739 | Modifies definitions for purposes of the shared leave program. This bill originated with a constituent who teaches in the Edmonds School District and has a child with multiple chronic conditions that require intermittent attention. He found that, given current policy, employees would be required to be on full-time leave and exhaust all or nearly all leave to accept shared leave. Across Washington, many people going through difficult circumstances are helped by caring colleagues that support them through shared leave donations. This bill provides clarification on current law and also helps people who have intermittent health needs.

    This bill passed both Houses and is being sent to the Governor’s desk for his signature.

    ESSB 5473 | Requires the Employment Security Department to study the impacts to the unemployment trust fund and employer contributions for unemployment insurance by allowing exceptions to provisions disqualifying individuals from receiving unemployment benefits for leaving work voluntarily without good cause related to: (1) inaccessible care for a child or vulnerable adult; (2) substantial increases in job duties or working conditions without commensurate increase in pay; (3) separation from a minor child. Requires ESD to meet at least three times with business and worker representatives to discuss the information gathered by ESD. Removes modifications to the term good cause for unemployment purposes for the separation due to inaccessible care for a child or vulnerable adult and related to separation from work related to the death, illness, or disability of a family member.

    This bill passed both Houses and is being sent to the Governor’s desk for his signature.

    SB 6123 | An agency must allow an employee to take paid leave as needed to participate in life-giving procedures if the employee provides written proof from an accredited medical institution, physician, or other medical professional that the employee participated in a lifegiving procedure. Leave granted to participate in life-giving procedures must not exceed thirty days in a two-year period.

    This bill passed both Houses and has been delivered to the Governor.

    Fred Yancey/ Mike Moran
    The Nexus Group

  • Retirement & Health Benefits for March 6, 2020

    by David Morrill | Mar 06, 2020


    Sometimes there is no solution.
    Sometimes there’s simply an end.
    As the clock continues to run…
    ~ Sara Ella

    The session is moving toward Sine Die and there’s a great deal of unknowns still to come. It’s the part of the session where bills need to be voted out of their opposite house. Some bills will make it; others will die as the clock runs down.

    Each chamber has lengthy lists of other bills eligible for debate and votes. Many won’t make it. There are at least four main areas yet to be dealt with, any of which will take a great deal of floor time as bills addressing these are debated. These are bills that seek to establish a low carbon fuel standard, a clean air rule, guidelines protecting data privacy and those that deal with the repeal of the Boeing tax break. Additionally, time can be consumed by virtue of debating proposed amendments attached to these or any remaining bills.

    Here is a summary of bills that are still ‘alive’ to date, subject to change. Remember that no bill is really ‘dead’ until Sine Die. Bills with fiscal impacts can be deemed ‘necessary to implement the budget’ (NTIB) or just plain deemed necessary by a majority of a legislative body.

    Retirement Related Proposals

    Proposed bills dealing with providing a benefit increase to those members in TRS1 and PERS 1 plans can easily be seen as NTIB (Necessary to Implement the Budget) so will remain alive until Session ends.

    SSB 5400 at the request of the Select Committee on Pension Policy grants TRS/PERS Plans 1 beneficiaries an increase to their monthly benefit of three percent multiplied by the beneficiaries’ monthly benefit, not to exceed sixty-two dollars and fifty cents on the first $25,000 of benefit. Its companion bill is EHB 1390.

    Both bills unanimously passed their respective houses. Both budgets also funded this cost of living adjustment. The challenge is that one of the bills has to pass out of the opposite house.

    EHB 1390 has been moved to the Senate calendar where it awaits action to bring it to debate and a vote. SHB 5400 remains in House Rules.

    SB 6383 | Concerning the retirement strategy funds in the plan 3 and the deferred compensation programs. Basically, retirement strategy funds offered by the State Investment Board in the Plans 3 and DCP (Deferred Compensation Program), if the bill is passed, may include investment in the State’s Commingled Trust Fund.

    This bill passed the Senate 47–0 and is now on the House calendar for debate and vote.

    HB 2956 was introduced late. It proposes to take the extra dollars the state will receive once it repeals the Boeing tax preferences the Legislature had granted them in the past to provide funding for the unfunded liabilities in the teachers’ retirement system and the public employees’ retirement system Plans 1. (Boeing has asked for this repeal to avoid receiving substantial fines from the European Union.)

    It is NTIB so will be one of many suggested uses of these ‘extra’ Boeing dollars. The Legislature is divided on how to handle Boeing’s request for this action. Some want it to return only with performance guarantees (read ‘jobs’); others want no strings attached.

    HB 2945 before House Rules is the bill repealing and then reinstating this tax preference. SB 6690, its companion is in Senate Rules.

    School Employee Benefit Board (SEEB) and Other Health Related Proposals

    ESSB 6189 | Directs the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Committee to study the number and types of part-time employees that are eligible for School Employees’ Benefits Board coverage. Directs the Health Care Authority to analyze changes to the requirement that employers pay premiums when employees waive coverage. Reports are due Sept. 1, 2021. Prohibits dual enrollment in School Employees’ Benefits Board and Public Employees’ Benefits Board plans. Previous TRIO’s have noted concerns with the bill as written.

    This bill is in House Rules awaiting movement to the floor calendar.

    HB 2458 | Concerning optional benefits offered by school districts.

    Specifies that school district optional benefits may not compete with any basic or optional benefits offered through the School Employees’ Benefits Board. Grants school districts express authority to offer employee-paid, voluntary benefits to school employees that are paid by employees through a payroll deduction that may fall under the SEB Board’s authority, but that are not being provided by the SEB Board. This can include personal lines homeowner’s insurance, private passenger automobile insurance, and accident only, specified disease, and other fixed payment benefit insurance. Includes a legislative finding that supplemental fixed payment insurance plans offer financial protection and do not conflict or compete with basic medical or disability plans.

    This bill has been placed on the Senate floor calendar and is awaiting debate and a vote.

    SHB 2325 the 2019–21 proposed Supplemental Budget, adopted an amendment that directs the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction, in consultation with the healthcare authority, to study and report on school districts’ utilization of substitute teachers and the impact of the School Employees’ Benefits Board program on substitute teacher staffing. By December 1, 2020, and in compliance with RCW 43.01.036, the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction must submit the report to the appropriate fiscal and policy committees of the Legislature. The report must include the following:

    1. The number of individual and full-time equivalent substitute teachers employed in the 2018–19 and 2019–20 school years by district.
    2. Substitute teachers as a percentage of classroom teachers for the 2018–19 and 2019–20 school years by district.
    3. The number of substitute teachers eligible for the school employees’ benefits board program by district.
    4. Impacts, both positive and negative, of the school employees’ benefits board program on substitute teacher staffing.
    5. Options for substitute teacher eligibility under the school employees’ benefits board program, including possible exceptions for substitute teachers.
    6. Recommendations for preserving an adequate pool of substitute teachers while consistently classifying substitute teachers for health benefits eligibility.

    The bill passed the Appropriations’ Committee and has been sent to House Rules for further action.

    Other Bills

    ESHB 1813 mandates that the costs of contracted employee health and retirement benefits must be built into school district contracts for pupil transportation.

    The bill was amended by the Senate Ways and Means Committee. Sen. Braun proposed and Chair Rolfes agreed to adopt a ‘null and void clause’ making this bill null and void if specific funding for the provisions of the bill is not provided in the omnibus appropriations act. Three plus scenarios could play out:

    1. The bill never comes up for debate/vote as the clock runs out,
    2. The bill passes and is then sent back to the House for concurrence, or
    3. The bill passes, and the Governor vetoes the ‘null and void’ section placing the cost solely onto districts.

    This bill has been moved to the Senate floor calendar for debate and a vote.

    Other Bills That May Have Fiscal/HR Impacts for Districts

    SHB 2614 | Concerning paid family and medical leave.

    Makes numerous revisions to the Paid Family and Medical Leave program to provide clarity and improve the program’s administration, including waiting periods, conditional waivers, and supplementation of benefits. Exempts casual labor from the types of covered employment. Grants the Employment Security Department (ESD) statutory authority to administer oaths, take depositions, issue subpoenas, or compel a witness’ attendance in an administrative proceeding. Allows ESD to apply for and obtain a superior court order authorizing a subpoena in advance of its issuance. Authorizes employees to bring a private right of action to recover damages for an employer’s unlawful acts, under specified conditions. This bill is agency request legislation. Read the bill report.

    It has passed the Senate (38–10–1) and sent back to the House for concurrence.

    HB 2739 | Modifies definitions for purposes of the shared leave program. Allows an employee to maintain up to 40 hours of the applicable leave in reserve and still be eligible for shared leave. Allows intermittent and nonconsecutive use of shared leave. Removes the requirement that an employee pursue and be found ineligible for industrial insurance wage benefits for shared leave eligibility. Limits the amount of shared leave that an employee may receive when also receiving industrial insurance wage replacement benefits to 25 percent of base salary.

    This bill has moved to the Senate floor calendar for debate and a vote.

    ESSB 5473 | Requires the Employment Security Department to study the impacts to the unemployment trust fund and employer contributions for unemployment insurance by allowing exceptions to provisions disqualifying individuals from receiving unemployment benefits for leaving work voluntarily without good cause related to: 1. inaccessible care for a child or vulnerable adult; 2. substantial increases in job duties or working conditions without commensurate increase in pay; 3. separation from a minor child. Requires ESD to meet at least three times with business and worker representatives to discuss the information gathered by ESD. Removes modifications to the term good cause for unemployment purposes for the separation due to inaccessible care for a child or vulnerable adult and related to separation from work related to the death, illness, or disability of a family member.

    The bill passed the House (57–40) and has been sent back to the Senate for concurrence.

    SB 6123 | Allowing state employee leave for organ donation. Requires agencies to allow employees to take paid leave as needed, not exceeding 30 days in a two-year period, for participate in life-giving procedures.

    This bill is in House Rules.

    Addendum: Another area that legislators have focused on which easily can be viewed as benefits concerns prescription medications. Numerous bills have been proposed to deal with the high cost/affordability of prescription medication.

    Some bills of note, if interested, are:

    Unsolicited editorial: One of the most significant bills this session is SSB 6191, which seeks to assess the prevalence of adverse childhood experiences (ACES) in middle and high school students to inform decision making and improve services. My professional experiences have shown me that ACES are the key determiner that affects student (and even adult) behavior. If districts are given the resources to hire counselors who can assess the presence of and address issues associated with ACES, identified students will thrive. But the cynic in me says fiscal resources will never be enough to really address this need.

    March 5, 2020 SEBB Meeting Recap

    The SEB Board held a half-day meeting covering a few subjects. Use the briefing book to follow along the tabs below.

    Three items that may be of interest are:

    Tab 6

    Lays out the legislative mandate SEBB/Health Care Authority (HCA) has to look at the consolidation of PEBB and SEBB programs.

    Legislation was passed that stated the HCA must study the potential cost savings and improved efficiency in providing insurance benefits to the employers and employees participating in the public employees’ and school employees’ benefits board systems that could be gained by consolidating the systems.

    The consolidation options studied must maintain separate risk pools for Medicare eligible and non-Medicare eligible employees and retirees and assume a consolidation date of January 1, 2022. The study must be submitted to the committees of the House of Representatives and the Senate overseeing health care and the omnibus operating budget by November 15, 2020.

    Tab 7

    Presents an update on SEBB program appeals. Since SEBB is up and running, beginning March 1, any subscriber appealing to the HCA will be directed to appeal directly with their district’s benefits’ administrator. The subscriber will have 30 days to appeal the benefit administrator’s decision to the HCA.

    As a point of information, the bulk of appeals concerns dental plans (41%), dependent verification (28%) and other plan enrollment corrections (31%).

    Training of the Benefit Administrators is ongoing. (See Tab 9)

    Tab 8

    Gives an overview of the SEBB implementation of medical Flexible Spending Arrangements (FSA) and Dependent Care Assistance Program (DCAP).

    These are both salary reduction plans funded through voluntary payroll deductions. The briefing book gives some key specifics of these two options. Most notable is that if one doesn’t use the dollars ‘banked’ in the program, he/she will lose those dollars which will be forfeited to the HCA. According to HCA staff, from their PEBB experience – for the 10 years from 2009 through 2018 –an average annual forfeiture of about $382,000 was defaulted to the HCA.

    There are a few technical refinements that affect the forfeit. See Tab for more info. For example, FSA grants a 2 ½ month grace period to claim funds after the end of the plan year. There are a few other details that can help an individual avoid a total forfeit.

    FSA has 10,485 subscribers; DCAP has 1,666 subscribers. HCA is interested in improving participation. They are preparing a Request for Information from industry companies to gain more information.


    The only public comment of note was by Julie Salvi, WEA. She asked in reference to Tab 6 above, that the SEBB not consider more changes in the health insurance arena. Districts and employees are still dealing with the huge changes involved in this new conversion into SEBB. “Let this settle in, before advocating for any more changes.”

    She also mentioned the efforts that interested parties and the HCA are doing to address the issue of an employee maintaining eligibility for coverage if his/her hours are reduced due to absences related to the Covid–19 virus. Language has been developed to be added to ESSB 6189 to ensure that no employee loses benefits due to this issue. A draft of the proposed fix is attached.

    New Section in RCW 41.05 (Concerning COVID–19)

    (1) A school employee eligible as of February 29, 2020 for the employer contribution towards benefits offered by the school employees’ benefits board shall maintain their eligibility for the employer contribution under the following circumstances directly related or in response to Governor’s February 29, 2020, proclamation of a State of Emergency existing in all counties in the state of Washington related to the novel coronavirus (COVID–19):

    (a) During any school closures or changes in school operations for the school employee;
    (b) While the school employee is quarantined or required to care for a family member, as defined by RCW 49.46.210(2), who is quarantined; and
    (c) In order to take care of a child as defined by RCW 49.46.210(2), who is enrolled in school employee benefits, when the child’s:

    i. school is closed,
    ii. regular daycare facility is closed, or
    iii. regular child care provider is unable to provide services.

    (2) Requirements in section (1) of this act expires when the Governor’s State of Emergency the state of Washington related to the novel coronavirus (COVID–19) ends.

    (3) When regular school operations resume, school employees shall continue to maintain their eligibility for the employer contribution for the remainder of the school year so long as their work schedule returns to the schedule in place prior to February 29, 2020 or, if there is a change in schedule, so long as the new schedule, had it been in effect at the start of the school year, would have resulted in the employee being anticipated to work the minimum hours to meet benefits eligibility.

    (4) Quarantine, as used in subsection (1)(b) includes only periods of isolation required by the federal government, a foreign national government, a state or local public health official, a health care provider, or an employer.

    Fred Yancey/ Mike Moran
    The Nexus Group

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