• School Celebration Newsletter | October 2022 Edition

    by David Morrill | Sep 26, 2022


    October, the month of new spices, pumpkins, desserts, tacos & a special birthday

    There are so many wonderful things I associate with October. The change of leaves, the final harvest from our garden, my son's birthday, and Friday night lights just to name a few. October is when the school year becomes real for our staff and students. The novelty of the start has worn off and it's fast and furious every day for our team. It is a month where you need to do something to celebrate your staff. This month's newsletter is loaded with a ton of ideas to help you achieve this. Make sure you check out the details of October 4 as it is becoming one of my favorite days of the year--but then again anything to do with tacos makes my heart happy. I also want to challenge YOU to put something on the calendar this month that will bring you joy. Maybe it will be coffee with a friend, a spa treatment, or going out for dessert with your partner. Do something intentional this month to bring joy to your heart. I believe in you! Cindy.

    tacos, macarons, and pumpkins

    October Days of Celebration

    October 1 | "Cooper Cromwell’s 16th Birthday” | Ok, so this is going to be a HUGE weekend in the Cromwell household as my son, my baby boy, is turning 16. It’s a Saturday so if you see this think good thoughts for him and me.

    October 3 | “National Techies Day” | This is a great day to make an announcement to celebrate these vital employees that do so much behind the scenes to make schools work. Provide a card or a sign for staff and students to sign to say thank you.

    October 4 has 4 AWESOME DAYS to celebrate and I will be celebrating all four.

    • “National Golf Lover’s Day”–Set up a miniature golf course in your staff room. Keep it simple though and use red solo cups as the holes and bring in a few putters. If your students are not in the school set up some opportunities for staff to play in the hallway with scorecards and prizes.
    • The second one is “National Eat Fruit at Work Day." Pick up a platter of fruit to share or encourage staff to bring some fruit to share. Combine the fruit with “National Cinnamon Bun Day” for a great breakfast. Little Debbie’s are perfect for this!!
    • AND drum roll please…… It is also “National Taco Day” on this Tuesday!! Create a taco bar by having staff sign up to bring the fixings for a great lunch or order tacos from your local Taco Bell and provide staff with one or two. Oh my goodness this is a day that you MUST celebrate.

    October 5 | “National Do Something Nice Day” | Do you have a Walgreens nearby? They have a generic brand call “NICE” and you can purchase a few staff favorites to put in everyone’s box OR provide each staff with a card to use this week to thank a peer for going out of their way to be “nice.”

    October 6 | “National Coaches Day” | Remember to celebrate not only your sports coaches but the academic coaches you have on staff. Provide them with a water bottle and a Hawaiian punch flavor packet with a label. “Hey coach enjoy this tropical get a way. Thank you for taking care of us. Happy Coaches Day.”

    October 6 | “National Noodle Day” | Purchase one Cup of Noodle for each staff. Put a label on it that says in “Thank you for working so hard to fill everyone’s cup. Here is a cup to help fill yours. Happy National Noodle Day.”

    October 7 | “National Chocolate Covered Pretzel Day” | Have a bowl full in the staff room with a sign “I would be all twisted up without you. Happy National Chocolate Covered Pretzel Day.”

    October 10 | “National Cake Decorating Day” | Do you have a staff meeting today? How about a group competition or create a cookie decorating station for teachers today.

    October 12 | “Farmers Day” | Can you say dress up day? Or how about Old MacDonald’s favorite game– BINGO.

    October 13 | “National M & M Day” | A great and easy surprise treat for everyone October 13 is also “Silly Sayings Day” all you need is post-its for this one! Ask staff to write their favorite silly saying on the post it and put them on display or use them in announcements.

    October 14 | “National Dessert Day” | Have students post a picture of themselves making their favorite dessert or have a variety of desserts available for staff (individually wrapped) such as little Debbies to thank them for taking care of the students and families they serve OR ask staff to bring a few of their favorite desserts to share.

    October 17 | “National Clean Your Virtual Desktop Day” | Encourage staff and students to clean up and organize their electronic devices. All of the files, google, emails ugh. Encourage some time to do this chore that most of us dread and don’t have time to do.

    October 18 | “National Chocolate Cupcake Day” | It can’t get any simpler than this one!! Swing by the bakery on your way to school and pick up some chocolate cupcakes.

    October 20 | "International Sloth Day” | I love going to the zoo and I find myself mesmerized by these beautiful animals. Share various facts and fun videos about these very unique creatures.

    October 21 | “Back to the Future Day” | Start the day off with Huey Lewis and the music “Back in Time”. Ask students and staff the question would you rather live 100 years in the past or 100 years in the future and read answers throughout the day. You can also do a variety of “Back to the Future Trivia” (found online).

    October 26 | “National Pumpkin Day” | Have pumpkins available with carving kits purchased for staff to work on or have a grade level/department competition this week. Make sure you put the pumpkins on display and have students vote on their favorite. OR purchase a few miniature pumpkins for each desk to decorate!!

    October 31 | “National Carmel Apple Day” | Most stores have these individual pre-made that you can hand out. It is critical you do something to support staff on this very active day for all. This is also one of my FAVORITE days as October 31 is “National Knock-Knock Jokes Day.” I guarantee you I will have some ready to go throughout the day for staff, students, and visitors.

  • Special Education and 504 Tips & Resources | September 23, 2022

    by David Morrill | Sep 23, 2022


    image of inclusion cutout people

    The content from this post comes from Dr. Whitehead's weekly email.

    These emails are sent out weekly to leaders in special education and Section 504. Each email contains tips and resources on a variety of topics that are meant to keep you informed and up to date. Please consult your district attorney if you are looking for legal advice, as this is out of my realm. The opinions contained herein are my own.

    Please feel free to reach out if you have ideas on topics and resources. This week’s emails include links to information on:

    Change management
    Restorative Practices
    Increasing teacher confidence

    Case file
    LA Unified and Compensatory Education—T his one was talked about heavily at the law conference.

    Special Education & 504 Case Law:
    Various FAPE issues, including the “assess all areas” obligation, and, in the second case, the overlay of Section 504/ADA.

    Special Education:
    Transition: post-secondary

    Form Package 442 and 642
    Dyslexia Guidance
    Office Hours with OSPI: Special Education Directors Meetings with OSPI

  • 7 Things to Know about Principal Advocacy This Year

    by Caroline Brumfield | Sep 19, 2022


    Political Action Committee

    Our advocacy team at AWSP works hard during the interim to get ready for the upcoming legislative session that begins in January 2023. This year’s session is a long session that runs from January through April and a new biennial budget for 2023-25 will be passed. 

    We are focused on solutions to address the needs of our school leaders through a holistic and multi-faceted approach addressing current policies, legislation, and funding so that we can attract and retain highly effective principals and assistant principals. 

    Did You Know?

    • We are developing a legislative platform that speaks to our specific leadership solutions and it will be ready to share in late October.

    • The School Funding Coalition (SFC) is comprised of seven statewide associations representing school leaders. The SFC has set its 2023 Legislative Priorities, and the main goal is to update the prototypical funding model for school principals. 

    • We have an Advocacy Advisory Council that meets occasionally during the interim and regularly during the legislative session.

    • We have Principal Partners for Legislators who commit to regularly connecting with their elected officials about their schools and communities.

    • We have an Advocacy & Action Center that makes it easy to share your thoughts with legislators and other elected officials.

    • We will schedule meetings this fall with legislators and other education partners like OSPI, PESB, and the State Board of Education to discuss policy ideas.

    • We have a Washington School Principals Legislative Effectiveness Association (otherwise known as our “PAC” or Political Action Committee) that makes contributions to elected officials.

    For more information, or to join in any of the groups or meetings mentioned above, reach out to Roz Thompson, Government Relations Director at AWSP.


  • Special Education and 504 Tips & Resources | September 16, 2022

  • Cispus Goes Beyond Summer Support: Let Us Come to You!

    by Caroline Brumfield | Sep 08, 2022


    Cispus Challenge Course


    Are you looking for ways to help build connections among your students all while supporting your SEL curriculum? Well, the Cispus Learning Center Challenge Course can support you in this endeavor. 

    Every year we have dozens of schools come to our site for start of the year programming for their students, but rarely do we get to see those students again to build upon the lessons learned when they were with us. Studies show that engaging students in hands-on experiences and reflection, they are better able to connect those lessons learned to classroom and real-world situations. However, this is most effective when put into practice more than just once. Now, we understand the trouble it can be to be able to coordinate travel to come to Cispus,  so let us come to you! Not only do we build custom challenge course programs for your onsite, but we are able to bring this show on the road! 

    The Cispus Learning Center Challenge Course has 50+ portable initiatives that we can bring to you and set up nearly in any space. Our Traveling Ropes program has been used by schools in their orientation programs, to accompany end-of-year camps, as a tool to bring staff and students together, and as a way to celebrate the end of a term! This program is an excellent way to help build comradery among students, as well as create a sense of belonging among those attending. It allows students to learn one another’s strengths and weaknesses, build upon their self-esteem and self-efficacy (something we have seen decline since the pandemic), and learn how to communicate outside of technology. 

    We know how hard it can be to build SEL curriculum into the everyday class lesson, so let us help lessen the load! We are here to help build a better year for you and your students. To get started, reach out to Cispus Challenge Course Manager Billy Hager-DeMyer.

  • OSPI School Safety Tips for September 2022

    by David Morrill | Sep 07, 2022

    Safety blog

    National Preparedness Month

    In 2002, our state legislature recognized that comprehensive district and school safety plans are of paramount importance and help to assure students, parents, guardians, school employees, and school administrators that our schools provide the safest possible learning environment.

    This year’s National Preparedness Month theme is A Lasting LegacyThe life you’ve built is worth protecting. Prepare for disasters to create a lasting legacy for you and your family. I think it’s safe to add: “ and your whole school community.”

    Along with the comprehensive school safety planning resources found on our School Safety Center Safety Planning Toolkit page, here are some additional preparedness resources you can use and share with staff, students and families:

    Remember, focusing on school safety helps create a learning environment that positively impacts behavior, attendance/drop-out rates, and academic achievement.  It involves planning for the prevention, mitigation, protection, response to, and recovery from various natural, physical, social/human-caused, biological, and technological threats and hazards to the school and the entire school community. And again, in school, this translates into improved attendance, better engagement, higher academic achievement, and increased student well-being.

    Be prepared. Stay safe.

  • Welcome Back to School Resources & Poster from Ready Washington and AWSP

    by David Morrill | Aug 29, 2022


    Ready Washington logo

    Dear Colleague: 

    Welcome back to school! We hope you were able to rest and refresh during the summer and are ready for another year of supporting students on their education journeys. Your hard work makes a huge difference in the lives of young people and their families. Thank you for your commitment and dedication! 

    While the last few years have been challenging for our communities, the future in our state is bright. Employers in Washington state are expected to create an estimated 373,000 jobs in the coming five years, and they want to hire Washington students. A majority of these jobs will require or be filled by people who have earned a credential after high school, such as a two- or four-year degree, apprenticeship, or certificate. 

    View full size or download a PDF.
    That is why we are sending the enclosed poster, which was co-created by four Washington young people, to encourage your students to use available resources to plan for their futures after high school graduation. We encourage you to display these posters in high-traffic areas, such as your main office, a counselor’s office, or central hallway. The QR code links to a web page with resources about how to apply for financial aid and opportunities like the Washington College Grant, as well as information to help students explore their interests and post-high school options. 

    Support for this project was provided by Ready Washington, a coalition of state and local education agencies, associations – including AWSP – and advocacy organizations. Ready Washington believes that all students should graduate high school with the necessary skills and experiences to complete the education and career path they choose. 

    We encourage you to follow @ReadyWA and @AWSP_Principals on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram. Visit Ready Washington’s website, www.readywa.org, to download fact sheets, infographics, and videos for your communications with families and the public. Consider posting a picture of the poster in your hallway and tag Ready Washington on social media (@ReadyWA) and use the hashtag #PlanYourPathWA for the chance to win a $100 gift card for your school. 

    If you have any questions about the poster, please contact Ingrid Stegemoeller, Ready Washington’s facilitator and Partnership for Learning communications director, at ingrid@partnership4learning.org. We hope this poster engages students in accessing resources that will help them achieve their dreams. 


    Scott Seaman and Ingrid Stegemoeller signature block






    About ReadyWA: Ready Washington is a coalition of state education agencies, associations, and advocacy organizations that believe every Washington student should graduate prepared for a successful future.

  • School Celebration Newsletter | September 2022 Edition

    by David Morrill | Aug 29, 2022


    Welcome to the September 2022 edition of the "School Celebration Newsletter." September is a critical month to keep yourself reminded of goals you set this summer. Are you getting enough sleep? Are you eating healthy most of the time? Are you getting exercise and taking timeouts from electronics? It is so important for all educators to make time this month and do something to charge their batteries. I want to challenge you to make a music playlist for yourself to listen to on your drive home to help reset your mind from work to family time. What will be your go-to song?

    In this month's edition, you will find so many fun and easy-to-implement ideas. Choose a couple and use them to bring some fun and joy to your school. I am an email away if there is anything I can do to support your work AND please send me a picture of your celebrations @sholtys. Take care and be well.

    September Days of Celebration

    image of Central Washington University logo, fortune cookies, and coffee

    September 1 | American Chess Day | So many great ideas for this one….bring games for staff to share throughout the day, encourage a family game night, purchase crowns for everyone to be royalty or ask staff to take a selfie using a filter that adds a crown to their head and then upload the pictures in a collage.

    September 2 | National College Colors Day | What a great way to bring in some fun for your staff and celebrate higher education no matter the level of your school. Encourage staff to wear college, military, or trade school attire. Wear something from your Alma Mater (I will be wearing #wildcatforlife). If you are an AVID school make sure you take a staff picture to use in your spring report.

    September 5 | Labor Day | Please take the day to rest-no work today!

    September 6 | Read A Book Day | A great day to promote literacy with your students. Read in classrooms, at lunch, a Facebook live, create a staff-recommended section of books in your library or make a poster for staff to write in their current reads.

    September 8 | National Actors Day | Another simple idea to incorporate with your staff. Make a chart in your staff room with post-its for staff to write their favorite character on. AND if you have a theater program/club/class CELEBRATE these amazing students today!

    September 9 | National Teddy Bear Day | Everyone shares a picture of their favorite stuffed animal today. It is also International Sudoku Day Print up a couple puzzles at various levels (easy, medium, hard), and the first to solve gets a prize. The more complicated the puzzle the better the prize.

    September 12 | National Day of Encouragement; National High 5 Day AND National Video Games Day | This is a ridiculous day of SO much goodness. High 5 your students every opportunity!! Provide note cards for staff and students to write words of encouragement for each other. AND if you have an e-sport team CELEBRATE these awesome kids and program today!!

    September 13 | Fortune Cookie Day | Pass out fortune cookies to staff today.

    September 14 | National Coloring Day | Have a coloring competition for staff and/or students. Did you know they have coloring books designed for teachers and those of us in education? (Heads up–Check the appropriateness ahead of time) There are also some great adult coloring books to help with emotional regulation. I placed several of those books in my staff room last year and the feedback was awesome. Don’t forget the good crayons though! You could easily create a slide show of the final products for social media.

    September 15 | National Linguine Day | Help your staff answer the dreaded “what are we having for dinner tonight?”

    September 15 is also National Online Learning Day | Have staff take a picture of their online workspace and then have the pictures posted in a location where staff can guess which picture belongs to whom.

    September 16 | National Guacamole Day | What a great day to have a “Nacho Ordinary Friday” with a Nacho and Taco Potluck. Ask staff to bring something to help feed everyone and don’t forget the VIP guest—the Guacamole!

    September 19 | Talk Like A Pirate Day | Need I say MORE???

    September 22 | Hobbit Day | Use quotes from this classic story throughout the day and have your staff guess which character said it for door prizes.

    September 22 | National Ice Cream Cone Day | Not a fan of the Hobbit? Well, it is also the day to eat an ice cream cone!! Purchase ice cream drumsticks and pass them out today.

    September 23 | Love Note Day | This is a great day for you to write a love note to those that support and love you as we get going in this new school year.

    September 26 | National Family Day | An awesome opportunity to encourage your staff to leave their laptops at school and focus on their family this evening. (PS Principals should participate in this also, just saying).

    September 26 | National Pancake Day | I love days that I can meet and break bread with my staff. As staff to join you at a restaurant this morning to celebrate Pancakes. (Everyone pays their own way) OR ask your PTO or a Booster club to help sponsor a pancake feed before school.

    September 27 | World Tourism Day | This could be a great entry activity or exit slip for your staff to share or simply utilize a question board in your staff room. Ask staff if they could travel anywhere on earth free of charge where would they go?

    September 28 | National Good Neighbor Day | Have students do an act of kindness for their neighbor today or write a brief note of encouragement/appreciation to a local neighborhood business that supports their school or sports league.

    September 28 | National Strawberry Cream Pie Day | No explanation needed on this one.

    September 29 | National Coffee Day | Coffee bar in the staff room and bring all of the fall creamers you can find at your local grocery store.

    September 30 | Chewing Gum Day | Be cautious on this one……. But my FAVORITE for Sept 30 is National Love People Day what a great reason to send messages to remind people you care or provide an opportunity for staff to share words of encouragement to others.

  • Student Head Injury Concussion Reporting

    by Caroline Brumfield | Aug 24, 2022


    HB 2731 was passed by the 66th Legislature and signed into law by Governor Jay Inslee during the 2020 session. It requires public schools in Washington to report diagnosed concussions sustained by students during athletic and other activities each year. It also requires the Washington State Department of Health (DOH) to develop the procedure for reporting and analyzing the data – so that it can report back to OSPI and the Washington State Legislature on the rates, trends, patterns, and other relevant information of diagnosed concussions sustained by students.

    DOH was asked to put a hold on this work during 2020 and 2021 while the COVID pandemic was being addressed for the public health of the state. This work was reauthorized to continue in late 2021. A multisector committee was formed to assist DOH in creating a data reporting tool and developing a procedure for schools to report head injury incidences to DOH. The official version of the tool is scheduled to go live on September 6 for data collection. 

    The latest information on accessing and using the tool, as well as concussion resources, can be found on the Student Head Injury Concussion Reporting webpage on the DOH website.

    DOH has scheduled two training webinars for school and medical personnel and partners that will be using the tool for reporting to assist you in acclimating to the tool and process:

  • Breakfast After the Bell: Collaborate to Overcome Challenges

    by Caroline Brumfield | Aug 23, 2022

    Several groups have worked together to plan a back-to-school webinar on Breakfast After the Bell programs. These include OSPI, the Washington Education Association, the Association of Washington School Principals, Public School Employees of Washington, and United Way of King County. 

    Join educators across Washington state to learn about Breakfast After the Bell’s positive outcomes for students and schools as well as how to overcome common challenges. This webinar will focus on how teachers, principals, and building staff can collaborate with food services to create and sustain successful Breakfast After the Bell programs.

    Attend either September 1 or September 22 from 4:00 - 5:00 p.m.

    Register Here:

    For more information, contact Mikhail (Misha) Cherniske at OSPI. Or, check out OSPI's Child Nutrition webpage.

  • Chase Buffington Wins AWSP’s 2022 President’s Award

    by David Morrill | Aug 12, 2022

    Cispus Learning Center survives the pandemic thanks in large part to Buffington’s efforts

    Chase Buffington

    Each year, the AWSP Board President has the opportunity to select an individual or group who demonstrates support of principals and the principalship in the education of each and every student. The Association of Washington School Principals is thrilled to announce that our 2022 President’s Award has been awarded to Chase Buffington, Director of the Cispus Learning Center.

    Throughout the pandemic, Chase woke up every morning in the fight of his life to save the Cispus Learning Center. Cispus hosts incredible outdoor learning and leadership programs for students and adults across the state. COVID forced Cispus to close its doors, and without any programs, no revenue came in.

    Chase took that challenge head-on and worked tirelessly to secure grants and advocate for rescue funds while at the same time making much-needed infrastructure improvements. Those improvements ensured that when Cispus opened the doors back up for kids, the facility would last another 50 or more years. His positive attitude, sheer determination, and belief in what is possible for Cispus are why he won this year’s AWSP President’s Award. Thanks to Chase, AWSP is still the only principals association in the country that owns and operates an outdoor learning center.

    While the President’s Award was officially presented to Chase at our annual luncheon during the AWSP/WASA Summer Conference in June, Chase couldn’t receive the award in person because back at Cispus Learning Center. Camps were in full swing, and he was with the kids in the woods.

    In addition to running Cispus, Chase is a school board member for the Morton School District, vice-president of the White Pass Scenic Byway, and is currently the steering chair for the Washington Outdoor School Consortium. Chase graduated from Eastern Washington University with a bachelor's in Outdoor Recreation and was awarded the Outdoor Recreation Major of the Year in 2007. He is a member of the Association of Experiential Education (AEE), the Association of Challenge Course Technology (ACCT), and Leave No Trace Principals (LNT). His wife is a White Pass School District math teacher, and they have two sons, Weston and Owen.

    Learn more about the Cispus Learning Center at www.Cispus.org.  

  • Jim Eisenhardt is the Recipient of AWSP’s First-Annual Annalee Braley Membership Award for 2022

    by David Morrill | Aug 12, 2022

    AWSP honors the former longtime AWSP employee with a new award

    photo of Jim Eisenhardt at a podium accepting an award

    Jim Eisenhardt

    The Association of Washington School Principals is honored to present longtime AWSP member and friend Jim Eisenhardt with the first-annual Annalee Braley Membership Award. The award was officially presented to Jim during our annual luncheon at the AWSP/WASA Summer Conference in Spokane at the end of June. 

    The award was created this year to honor the memory of former AWSP Membership Coordinator Annalee Braley who passed away tragically and unexpectedly in September 2021. 

    Annalee started at AWSP when she was just 19 years old and was about to cross over to 32 years of service at AWSP in various roles. Annalee was one of the biggest reasons AWSP has the strongest membership in the country year after year. She was why our name and brand are known in every district and region across the state and country. She was often the first email you received from AWSP and probably the first voice you heard on the other end of the line. Annalee was all things AWSP.


    Annalee Braley

    Jim Eisenhardt, who served for decades in support of the association and knew Annalee very well, represents the same qualities as Annalee – unwavering dedication to the association and its members, commitment to making AWSP the strongest principals’ association in the country, and passion for supporting and advocating for principals and assistant principals across the state.

    Annalee’s husband Troy, daughter Crystal, sister “Sis,” and grandson Edison were present during the luncheon and award ceremony. We believe Annalee would have agreed that there isn’t a better person to be recognized for this first-ever award than Jim Eisenhardt. 
    Learn more about the Annalee Braley Membership Award at www.awsp.org/Annalee.

  • Rep. Alicia Rule Wins AWSP’s 2022 Torch of Leadership Award

    by David Morrill | Aug 09, 2022

    Blaine Legislator Sponsored Two Significant Pieces of Legislation to Support K-12 Education

    Rep. Alicia Rule

    Each year, AWSP’s Advocacy Advisory Council has the opportunity to select a state-level public servant who demonstrates support of principals and the principalship in the education of each and every student. The Association of Washington School Principals is thrilled to announce that our 2022 Torch of Leadership Award has been presented to Representative Alicia Rule (D–Blaine).

    Representative Rule was elected to the Legislature in 2020 with a clear mission to represent children and young adults. She is Vice Chair of the Children, Youth, and Families Committee and serves on the Community and Economic Development and Capital Budget Committees. In her first two years as a state legislator, she sponsored significant pieces of legislation that support students in the K-12 system.

    HB 1664 updates the prototypical funding model to hire more nurses, counselors, social workers, and psychologists with more state funds to support students.

    HB 2078 establishes the Outdoor School for All program to support outdoor learning opportunities for fifth and sixth-grade students, with opportunities for high school students to volunteer as counselors. The goal is to provide hands-on learning experiences that are overnight or day programs when overnight programs are impractical due to health, cultural, or capacity considerations and focus on environmental education aligned with the Washington learning standards and the development of social and emotional learning skills.

    Representative Rule also sponsored legislation that supports children experiencing homelessness, financial assistance for downtown improvements, and assistance for disaster recovery in Whatcom County. She holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of Washington and a master’s degree from San Diego State University. She owns a mental health practice and runs this small business while serving in the Legislature. Previous public service includes serving on the Blaine City Council and launching and serving as the Blaine Downtown Development Association president. Her family has called Whatcom County home for five generations. Most importantly, she is the proud mom of three boys and a very active puppy.

    Learn more about:

  • School Counseling Survey for SSB 5030. OSPI Needs Your Voice

    by Xenia Doualle | Aug 01, 2022

    SSB 5030 survey text over thought bubbles


    In partnership with AWSP, OSPI would like to hear directly from building administrators about how to best support you and your colleagues with beginning the implementation of your district’s SSB 5030/Comprehensive School Counseling Program (CSCP) plan this coming year. Your feedback will inform our collaborative work with AWSP to develop resources, tools and training that can help you to feel inspired, hopeful, and ready to leverage SSB 5030 to support improved student outcomes through the CSCP.

    Please take a moment to complete this quick survey by Wednesday, August 10th.

    Take the Survey!

    • In the meantime, there are a variety of resources already available for your access: OSPI’s Comprehensive School Counseling Programs Webpage contains a repository of SSB 5030-related guidance, professional development opportunities, district CSCP examples, and CSCP templates.
    • The Washington Open Educational Resource HUB provides access to various asynchronous professional development modules geared specifically toward school and district administrators.
    • Navigate to www.oercommons.org/hubs/Washington and enter “5030” in the search box to access all modules.

    Thank you for taking the time to let us know how we can best support you!

  • OSPI School Safety Tips for August 2022

    by Xenia Doualle | Aug 01, 2022

    Safety blog

    It’s August! It’s hard to believe that we are starting the 2022–23 school year. But we are. And here we go!

    Last year was quite a year, to put it mildly. I suspect that we are all hoping to return to a bit more normalcy in 22–23. We know, though, that there will be a lot of change moving forward. Here are some school safety thoughts to help navigate the changes and find a new normal.

    Comprehensive school safety plans, sometimes referred to as Emergency Operations Plans or EOPs), are required by law (RCW 28A.320.125). This is not new. What is new, though, is the fact that now, for the 1st time, we have some required data around those plans. We will be collecting more this school year, as well. Here are some safety plan questions for you to consider moving into 2022–23:

    • Does your school have a comprehensive safety plan?
    • If it does, that’s excellent! Pull it up and read through it!

    Then ask yourself:

    • Is the plan current and complete?
    • Have you assessed your school’s risks and hazards? School Climate? Capacity/Strengths?
    • Are you ICS certified?
    • Does your plan include all the required components?
    • (Remember, safety-related flip charts are not a plan.)

    Some other considerations for 2022–23:

    • Are there new staff in your school?
    • Are all staff – old and new – aware of the school plan – and trained on the building specifics?
    • What kinds of training do they need?
    • Does everyone understand drill requirements and how drills are exercised in your school?

    Finally, as the 2022–23 year kicks off:

    • With all the changes over the spring and summer, be sure you know who your district’s Harassment, and Bullying Compliance Officer (HIB CO) is. There have been a lot of changes in the HIB COs already!
    • Make sure to keep all your exterior and interior doors locked. This is a bare-bones starting point to help ensure safety.
    • Register for this year’s Great Washington ShakeOut, on October 20 at 10:20 am. Even if you registered in the past or plan to actually practice your drop, cover, and hold-on at a different time, register, and be sure that your school is registered. The goal is 100% of school and students.

    We’ll have more on a lot of these ideas, and more, as we go through the year. Feel free to contact our office or the Regional School Safety Center at your ESD. There is a lot going on.

    2022–23, here we come!

  • School Celebration Newsletter | August 2022 Edition

    by David Morrill | Aug 01, 2022


    I have been honored over the last several months to have met so many principals from throughout my great state of Washington and the country. If you are new to my newsletter thank you for signing up and if you are a regular subscriber thank you for continuing to be a part of my work. Most of us are just beginning our school year this August and it is my hope you will find this School Celebration Edition helpful as you begin to plan. I have included a list of some of my favorite August days along with simple suggestions for celebrating that you can EASILY incorporate into the beginning of the school year. I wish you a successful start to this new year. Be well and as always let me know how I can support your educational journey. Be Well!! Cindy

    August Days of Celebration

    a cookie, a pile of books, and a beach ball for their respective holidays

    August 2 National Ice Cream Sandwich Day | What a great afternoon treat for staff! 

    August 2 is also National Coloring Book Day | Find a fun picture to kick off the school year (either positive quotes or pictures) and provide copies of it along with colored pencils or crayons for staff to color and then add them to a staff bulletin board.

    August 3 | National Watermelon Day | Have you ever had a watermelon seed spitting competition? Who can spit the seed the farthest? Or use social media and ask your students/staff the best way to eat a watermelon....cubes, triangles, or do you just attack it by cutting it in half and grabbing a spoon? Prefer to add salt or just plain?

    August 4 | National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day | Encourage families to make cookies today and share pictures of the end result with you. Combine the pictures into a collage and put it on your school's website. OR pick up some cookies on the way to school to share with staff.

    August 5 | National Water Balloon Day | Why not end the school day with a fun water balloon toss competition amongst staff or during recess with students. HINT: Use the Bunch O’Baloons that allow to you rapid fill and seal. They are AWESOME—no more one at a time filling stations. 

    August 9 | National Book Lover's Day | Ask staff to share on social media a selfie reading a favorite book in a favorite place. Let's encourage our students to read by modeling!! Or make a collage of the top books checked out of your school library last year.

    August 10 | National S'more Day | You can be creative with this one depending upon accessibility. You could make a to go bag for staff to use at their next camp fire.

    August 12 | National Middle Child Day | Staff can share childhood pictures of their family as a get to know you activity. Have them identify where they fall in the sibling order—then share the “traditional personality styles” based on sibling order for a fun is this you activity.

    August 16 | National Tell A Joke Day | Choose a fun joke and send a video out to your staff or families to join you in celebrating this great day. We all could use a giggle in mid August!

    August 19 | National Potato Day | Bring potato chips to work today and provide as an afternoon snack for your staff or have a baked potato luncheon--everyone can bring their own favorite topping to individualize their potato.

    August 24 | National Waffle Day | Have you thought about asking staff to join you for breakfast this morning? Everyone pays their own check BUT it will be a great way to kick off the day no matter how many staff show up. Be on the look out for restaurant discounts today.

    August 25 | National Banana Split Day | Its a dessert kinda day.

    August 26 | National Dog Day | Everyone shares pictures of their favorite four legged canine or celebrate Cherry Popsicle Day with an afternoon cool treat. 

    August 30 | National Beach Day | Make it a Hawaiian shirt dress up day and head over to the Dollar Tree and pick up some Hawaiian Leis or coconut cups. You could also purchase the little drink umbrellas and provide staff with infused iced water (cucumber, mint, oranges, or other fun additions). As staff fill up a glass of these healthy cool drink add the little umbrella so they can pretend to be at the beach. Another fun idea would be to bring in some lawn chairs into your staff room to spice things up a bit. 

    August 31 | National Trail Mix Day | You could easily go to Costco or the local grocery store and pick up individual trail mix bags to pass out to your staff. Add a note that says "Where ever this trail takes us we are in it together" OR  Celebrate National Eat Outside Day and encourage class picnics.

  • WANTED: Amazing Mentors for New School Leaders

    by David Morrill | Jul 21, 2022

    Principal Mentoring


    AWSP is recruiting principals with 5+ years of school leadership experience to participate in the AWSP Mentor Program. If you’d like to give back, apply to serve as a mentor as part of our mentoring cadre.

    Our program is on an as-needed basis in each region, so participation in training doesn’t necessarily guarantee a pairing. However, the program is free professional development (that is really good!) and provides additional exposure to the AWSP Leadership Framework, The School Leader Paradigm, and our newly minted AWSP Equity Guide. Additionally, your mentor training includes five 90-minute Implementation sessions spaced throughout the school year where you will help support new leaders across the state in their leadership journey! 

    Interested? Reach out to Gina Yonts or Dameon Brown for more information about how to become a mentor or how to secure mentoring for a new/newly assigned school leader.

    Know a New Principal or AP? If you know a new principal or AP (inside or outside of your system) within their first three years of a leadership assignment, they may qualify for mentoring. Please direct them to the application to receive mentoring support through our OSPI Grant (a free program for mentees). All mentees must have supervisor permission to apply in order to help with the communication around the iGrants package that pays for the mentoring services. New leaders will need to check in with their supervisors ahead of application.

  • Early Bird Registration - Disability Roadmap Webinar/Podcast Series

    by David Morrill | Jul 21, 2022

    photos of Samuel Habib and date


    Sign up to reserve your spot in the 2022-2023 school year My Disability Roadmap Webinar/Podcast Series featuring Samuel Habib, Dan Habib, and the groundbreaking adults with disabilities featured in their new film.  Register to join some or all of these nine rich discussions on inclusive education, postsecondary transition, and disability rights. Everyone who registers will be guaranteed a spot in the live online events, and will also be sent a recording of each event (which can be shared with your colleagues).

    Reserve your spot here

  • The Power and Importance of Student Voice

    by David Morrill | Jul 11, 2022

    microphone on a stand in a classroom with out of focus students at desks

    Seek to learn. Seek to elevate. Seek to understand. Seek to create.

    They are watching. They are listening. They are observing. They are waiting for their moment to share their brilliance. Students are the best tag team partners to school leaders. Students are the largest stakeholders in our school communities. Every year it becomes clearer that from kindergarten through their senior year, our students are plugged in to what is going well and what could use some TLC within our schools.

    I always ask, “Have you asked your students yet?” This question opens the door to possibilities and discoveries. Students are the experts at being students. I will say that again so that it can truly marinate… students, are the experts at being students. Adults are no longer the experts; they are. We get to use our lived experiences and positionality to support students achieve academic and social success.

    This brilliant article highlights the importance of student voice and why our role as adults and school leaders is essential in creating a culture where students can share, teach, and become our best tag team partners in creating the schools we all hope to experience.

  • Special Education and 504 Tips & Resources | June 17, 2022

    by David Morrill | Jun 17, 2022

    image of inclusion cutout people

    Note: this will be the last Tips & Resources post for the 21-22 school year. These posts will resume sometime in mid-August.  Wishing you all a safe and relaxing summer.

    Section 504
    Providing FAPE and Addressing Compensatory Services Under Section 504
    Section 504 and Students with Disabilities
    Protecting Students with Disabilities

    22-23 Paraeducator Certificate Program
    Implementation Toolkit

    Understanding Impulsivity in Kids
    3 Types of Self-Control
    How to Help Grade-Schoolers Gain Self-Control

    Early Learning
    Whole-Body Learning Can Boost Children's Letter Sound Recognition

    June Special Education Update
    Special Education and Institutional Education Directory
    Rules for the Provision of Special Education

     There are lots of new classes to check out!

    Upcoming Classes and Events
    Inclusive Classrooms Through Purposeful Play
    A Child is Not Motivated, What am I Supposed to do?
    Dyslexia & Literacy Instruction: Orthographic & Morphological Skills & Knowledge
    What is ACE?
    Jumpstart to Transitional Kindergarten
    Teaching Twice-Exceptional Learners in Today’s Classroom
    Explicit Literacy Instruction for Students with Dyslexia and Others Who Struggle to Read and Write
    Tier One Strategies and Supports for Teachers of Secondary Students who Struggle with Reading
    Tier 1 Strategies & Supports for Teachers of Secondary Students Who Struggle to Read
    Special Education Institute
    Coding LRE in Pre-K IEPs

    For more information, contact Abby Bowers , Capital Region ESD 113's Director of Special Programs.

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